Domain on netlify pointing to non-existent github repository still works

I successfully was publishing a site for using for about a month on an account using my netlify account. The github account was

Two days ago I transferred that repository to someone else’s github account (which is now private). I helped them create a new netlify account and thought I set up everything the same as I had on this account pointing to using

When I lookup the DNS records on various DNS tools sites, it shows the new supposedly being used. The reason I know the new netlify app is not being used, is that we made some test changed on the repository, but the site still looks like it shows on the old netlify app.

When I started researching what the problem might be, everything I read says, we should have received an error on when trying to point the same domain to another app on another account, but we never received that kind of error message when we set it up.

Any thoughts on how to proceed?

Hey @randelldawson,

The custom domain is not yet configured on the new site:

I see. I assume to make this work though, I will need to delete this domain from the current app (paradise-cove-hoa), so the new account (paradisecovehoa) will allow me to set up the domain on it? Would this mean any down time for the site?

Yes, you’d have to remove the domain from the current website. If you do that, yes that would add a downtime till the time you enable the domain on the new website.