I am a student at the Université de Sherbrooke, and I need to complete an academic project for my e-commerce course. The assignment requirements state that I must use a domain in the following format:
However, when I try to create my site on Netlify, the platform automatically assigns me a domain with .netlify.app instead of .netlify.com.
Would it be possible to make an exception and allow me to use lega2714.netlify.com for my academic project? My professor has specifically required this domain format, and I haven’t found any alternative solution to purchase this domain elsewhere.
I really appreciate your help and any guidance you can provide.
Best regards,
Antoine Legros
Student at Université de Sherbrooke
While this is not a valid requirement, can you talk to the professor and make sure they aren’t being clear about it?
Do you have a domain you can use to make it work?
It’s just one entry into your DNS with a CNAME entry to get a subdomain entry like lega2714.example.com