I asked this question in a follow-up to another question but am asking it here since I had no reply.
So, I registered a new domain, thomasjt.com, on Netlify. For some reason, when registering this domain, its DNS was set to flowerpod.netlify.app, another GitHub repo of mine.
This was a week ago and looked like so, and I have no clue why.
For some reason, I must have made some error, after buying the domain thomasjt.com, it became associated with, as you say, a github repo of mine named flowerpod.
So, forgive my confusion here. But I bought thomasjt.com because I will later on this week add my landing page for my next site there (nuxt driven). I don’t want thomasjt.com to point to any of my existing repos.
I am just thinking of thomasjt.com like I would with my old host: empty host space at the moment, with dns configured.
Thus, I just want to make sure that this domain is ready to receive later on (via github deploy or netlify client) my landing page. So am I misunderstanding something but should not my new domain simply be
Hello @sid.m and thanks for your email help on this , I learnt a lot.
Think I’m getting ready to put up the (nuxt) landing page tomorrow and set two environment variables. I might have a question or two.
The main thing is that when I do this via github, I will initially try create some subdomain, to test the deploy, rather than putting it straight ahead on thomasjt.com
But that should be fine eh? I can readress that later when ready for production. Will deploy via github.
You can absolutely deploy the site with only the .netlify.app subdomain to ensure it’s working the way you intend before you add the thomasjt.com domain to it.
Hi @sid.m , on the page now on Netlify for testing out my Nuxt 3 landing page.
What would I put in here as base directory, given that its a default nuxt 3 project and my bought domain with you is thomasjt.com and I would like to test on a subddomain so to speak. Thanks :
I think that is fine, read up on it and Just use base direcory. But when choosing site name, I cannot add something like betajt.thomasjt.com, it defaults to netlify app:
You can deploy whichever branch you’d like connected to the site itself, this is completely up to you.
Regarding the domain, if you’d like to use a custom subdomain, rather than changing the site name as in the screenshot you sent, you’ll navigate to the domain management page and click “add domain alias” here: