Domain issue when I use google domains

I need help setting up my domain. Whenever I click on my link it keeps saying that error connecting to the server and sends me to the 404 page on any browser. my domain name has a checkmark next to it saying “netlify dns” but when I click on the link I go to a 404.

here are the steps that I took:

  1. Bought a domain with google (lets say
  2. I went over to netlify and uploaded my react frontend (my backend with node.js is deployed on
  3. I went over to domain management on netlify and added a custom domain saying Then I somehow found the name server option on netlify and got the four name server stuff
  4. Went to google domains, then went over to custom name servers and copy pasted each one of them. I clicked save and then it said: These DNS settings are active. Changes are published immediately, but may take time to propagate
  5. Came back to netlify, gave it some time and the check mark appeard on both my domain names: and
  6. I went to deploy on netlify and clicked on my link which said but it takes me to a 404

Am I doing something wrong? Or should I contact google and figure it out with them?

Please help

Thank you

Hi, @IFountIt. Giving us an example domain doesn’t give us enough information to answer. We need to know the actual domain to troubleshoot this issue.

The domain is /


The issue resolved by itself somehow. Still thank you for the help

Hi, sometimes DNS changes just take time. Glad to hear you got this sorted.