I am facing the same DNS propogation delay problem; i have added a new website to netlify to publish, added my domain that i purchased from network solutions, pointed the name servers to netlify’s DNS servers and its been 3 days, still showing awaiting for DNS configuration. i ahve several other buisness related works and documents pending because our website is not live yet.
domain: orgixa.com
I am not seeing any DNS records at all for that domain.
Are you hosting the domain on Netlify?
Make sure you have added the domain to the “Domains” section in the admin UI if you have Netlify to manage the DNS. You will then be able to add records and point your domain to your app site “example.netlify.app”
Right. So now since you changed the NS servers to netlify, you need to have it setup in “Domains” under the Admin UI (app.netlify.com) to be able to manage the DNS records for the domain.
I dont see any admin UI section on my netlify UI. When i go to domain and domain management, i don’t see any DNS management. When i click on options on my website and go to DNS panel i can either add or delete the DNS. but I don’t have custom DNS.
Hey man thank you for your time but can you please check the following SS ?? we don’t have custom DNS, we are using the netlify DNS servers, here if i have done something wrong here please let me know
You mean IPv4 ? If i delete this and add them again wouldn’t it start the propagation from start ?? Because we have already waited 3 days and we don’t want to spend more time.
Ok, then first, have you added the domain to the site?
When you do that, Netlify adds these entries (hence: Type: NETLIFY). Just trying to figure out why you aren’t seeing all the entries that show up for me on my domain that is manage by Netlify DNS.
I hate to say, I would remove the domain from the Site and re-add it. Make sure to remove the www subdomain first. Maybe this will kick it back off, at this point I don’t think it’s propagating correctly.