DNS Problem, AI wont help

Hello i have a problem, so i deployed my website from Github to you. Its working fine, now i tried to add my custom domain bolted.cz. So now i can see setting up DNS record, but it doesnt tell me what DNS record i should put in my like website DNS records, what i can see is i need to create a DNS record… I saw youtube video this: https://www.youtube.com/…lOY

But its different from me, i dont see that the netlify site is waiting for me to setup DNS like on his video, I can see that i need to create my own DNS. Also that AI bot what you have is saying this: Go to your Netlify site’s “Domain management” > “Production domains” section.

Look for the “Awaiting External DNS” message next to your custom domain.

Click on this message to see the specific DNS records you need to add to your domain provider.

He is saying that there should be awaiting for my action , but i dont have that. Can you help me with this please ? like what record i should create or what

Depending on whether you wish to use Netlify DNS or external DNS, you can follow this support guide for a walkthrough of how to configure either:

This helped me, thank you sir

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