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i have done the same process as before. i deleted some sites and messed with the domains on netlify for a reason i cant even remember, something regarding potentially hosting sites with my vps i think. i decided not to, and when i went back to readd my sites to netlify because i like the simplicity of it, i am having nothing but problems. i am hosting with hostinger, have 100% added nameservers to hostinger from netlify that netlify designated, and still, after trying so many things, it will not connect my external domain and make it of use on netlify with this go round. i have deleted the sites and domain multiple times, re added the nameservers, yet the only URL that works is the netlify one.
i have tried the same config with netlify regarding DNS records and i simply cannot get it. please help.
before, i had everything perfect and could deploy, make subdomains for my main domain, and any other deploy related thing with ease. now it has just been a pain.
EDIT: of course when i post this it works now.
NOW, the issue i am having is the addition of subdomains. particularly,
on dnschecker, it is propogated. as of now at least, but given err name unresolved in chrome