DNS - From Godaddy to Netlify

hi there, i created a new site yesterday and have followed the DNS instructions however receive this error when navigating to the site (www.decodingfincrime.com / [http://decodingfincrime.com]


The Domain was on GoDaddy if that helps

@darren-titc Check your DNS records, they aren’t pointed at Netlify.

If you’re unfamiliar with command line tools, you can use a site like this to check:

Thank you - i am a bit of a novice so trying to work out what i need to do. Do i add the CNAME records to Godaddy?

@darren-titc There are two options:

Use Netlify DNS

(Set your nameservers at GoDaddy to point to Netlify, then manage your DNS with Netlify)

Use External DNS

(Set the A/CNAME records with GoDaddy)

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