I have an issue with DKIM. When I send an email from my domain to i.e. my Gmail, it says DKIM is fine. But with a DKIM lookup it says it is not fine. Also, I read on the forums that Netlify wants DKIM in a TXT record, but Outlook 365 ONLY supports CNAME. So how can I add DKIM to my email domain that has its DNS on Netlify as I am also hosting my website on Netlify.
Hi, @nhut. We cannot answer any questions about your email service. Those are questions for the technical support of the email service not for Netlify.
We can answer questions about your DNS service at Netlify. If you tell us what record you want to make, we can provide instructions to make it and to confirm if it is working correctly or not.
What we cannot tell you is what DNS records to make. You need to get the information from the email service and then you must tell our support team want records you want to make. Once you have that information to share, please let us know. Likewise, if there are questions about what Netlify can and cannot assist with, just ask those questions here and we will answer.
DKIM is not a record type. The record type is TXT or CNAME. Thus, the question of whether Netlify supports DKIM as CNAME or TXT is invalid. We support both, CNAME as well as TXT, the data within it (wheter DKIM or not) makes no difference to Netlify.