I have a deploy that completed over half an hour ago, but it’s still showing “building” in the deploys list, which is blocking newer deploys.
I have a deploy that completed over half an hour ago, but it’s still showing “building” in the deploys list, which is blocking newer deploys.
You also have a helpdesk ticket. Please don’t duplicate yourself as it slows us down.
I only opened a help desk ticket after not getting a response here and upgrading so I could unblock deploys
Following up, in case this is useful to anyone else who runs into this issue: Netlify support informed me that if a build gets stuck like this, the only way to clear it is to have support do it manually. I upgraded to the Pro plan in order to unblock deploys, and they offered to refund that upgrade.
I have the same problem. Can someone cancel the build?
Got it cancelled for you as well.
I have the same problem too. site url - vue-patterns.netlify.app
I’m not seeing any ongoing builds for your site.
Yes, if I trigger a deploy, it just stops at the building process then times out
Hi there! This is a different issue. By default, we have a build time limit of 15 minutes. It looks like your build is taking longer than 15 minutes, which is why it’s failing. I’ve increased your build time limit to 30 minutes to allow additional time for that build to complete.
Okay, but the log shows building is complete. And it doesn’t usually take up to 10 minutes to complete the build
Could you send a link to the specific build you’re referencing?
Thanks for sending that over, I am seeing the build getting stuck before it times out. I’ve decreased your build time limit back to the default to avoid longer wait time.
I’m not seeing anything that sticks out to me that’s causing this hanging behavior. Did you make any code changes between the last successful build and this failed build that could cause this?
For example, this behavior can be due to a background process that is still running or is in a “zombie process” state.
In situations like this, the solution is to make certain to close any external database connections and to completely stop any child processes.
@hrishikesh I’m also getting my build stuck even though deployment shows its complete, can you guys help cancel? Thank you for the help! Here’s the build url: Netlify.
Hi @MossBoss-AI,
Thanks for reaching out! Sorry to hear about the issue with the stuck build. I’ve manually canceled the build. Could you let us know if you’re still having issues?
thanks for taking care of this so quickly @Melvin , I’m able to deploy again.