Build stuck in "building" state, but not cancelable, 40+ minutes

Site name: happy-birthday-cennet-2024
Build: Netlify
Build ID: 664b1568d8a5b80008b0e2ca

Was unable to find the full build-log file.

Build seems to be in state “Building” but if i visit the build page it seems to being done (no “cancel build” button, See the message: Build time: 42s. Total deploy time: 42s)

Issue could be due an additional build step i have added (optimizing images). Removed it already.

Approaches i took:
Talked to AI - Bot
Refreshed page
Waited 30 minutes
Build is still stuck

Screenshot of the actual build (in state Building)

Hi @tom-tomsen,

Thanks for reaching out and welcome to Netlify’s Support Forums!

The deploys does look like it’s completed:

Could you clarify why you believe the build is stuck? Visiting the link above, I’m seeing the whole page with the Deploy Log section.

Hello Melvin, thanks for your feedback.

Currently I am unable to start a new build ( because it tells me “11:38:27 AM: Waiting for other deploys from your team to complete. Check the queue:”

when i check the queue (Netlify App), the build in my first message, is the only one with the “state” building next to it.

Hi @tom-tomsen,

Thanks for following up and clarifying the issue. I’ve canceled the stuck deploy so that your new deploy was able to go through and was successful.

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I have the same problem.

Build details | Builds | zhilu | Netlify is done, but I am unable to start a new build Build details | Builds | zhilu | Netlify. It reads “2:19:42 AM: Waiting for other deploys from your team to complete. Check the queue.”

Hi @Zhilu,

Thanks for reaching out and sorry for the issue. I’ve canceled the stuck deploy. You should be able to continue to build. Please let us know if you continue to have issues.

i have the same issue.

Hi sorry to hear you’ve got a stuck deploy. Can you please provide the site name that has a stuck deploy? We cancel this on our end.

It started to work after me clicking randomly: locking autodeploy, unlock, and things like that.

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okay! thanks for sharing you were able to resolve your issue.