Next.js Runtime
Thanks @Melvin . Old error gone but now new error Internal error during "Edge Functions bundling"
The log is too large for one post so I will split it.
Part 1
5:32:11 PM: build-image version: f16fe5e1d2fb705a244177206285638af584a46c (focal)
5:32:11 PM: buildbot version: f16fe5e1d2fb705a244177206285638af584a46c
5:32:11 PM: Building without cache
5:32:11 PM: Starting to prepare the repo for build
5:32:11 PM: No cached dependencies found. Cloning fresh repo
5:32:11 PM: git clone --filter=blob:none
5:32:12 PM: Preparing Git Reference refs/heads/main
5:32:13 PM: Parsing package.json dependencies
5:32:14 PM:
❯ Initial build environment
baseRelDir: true
branch: main
context: production
cwd: /opt/build/repo
featureFlags: []
mode: buildbot
repositoryRoot: /opt/build/repo
siteId: 5d259ff1-6089-4b86-9c08-e99b069f8aab
❯ UI build settings
baseRelDir: true
command: npm run build
publish: .next
❯ Resolved build environment
branch: main
buildDir: /opt/build/repo
configPath: /opt/build/repo/netlify.toml
context: production
env: []
❯ Resolved config
command: npm run build
commandOrigin: ui
publish: /opt/build/repo/.next
publishOrigin: ui
- inputs: {}
origin: config
package: '@netlify/plugin-nextjs'
5:32:14 PM: Starting build script
5:32:14 PM: Installing dependencies
5:32:14 PM: Python version set to 2.7
5:32:14 PM: v16.19.1 is already installed.
5:32:15 PM: Now using node v16.19.1 (npm v8.19.3)
5:32:15 PM: Enabling Node.js Corepack
5:32:15 PM: Started restoring cached build plugins
5:32:15 PM: Finished restoring cached build plugins
5:32:15 PM: Attempting Ruby version 2.7.2, read from environment
5:32:15 PM: Using Ruby version 2.7.2
5:32:16 PM: Using PHP version 8.0
5:32:16 PM: Started restoring cached corepack dependencies
5:32:16 PM: Finished restoring cached corepack dependencies
5:32:16 PM: No npm workspaces detected
5:32:16 PM: Started restoring cached node modules
5:32:16 PM: Finished restoring cached node modules
5:32:16 PM: Installing npm packages using npm version 8.19.3
5:32:23 PM: added 431 packages, and audited 432 packages in 7s
5:32:23 PM: 134 packages are looking for funding
5:32:23 PM: run `npm fund` for details
5:32:23 PM: found 0 vulnerabilities
5:32:23 PM: npm packages installed
5:32:23 PM: Started restoring cached go cache
5:32:23 PM: Finished restoring cached go cache
5:32:23 PM: go version go1.19.7 linux/amd64
5:32:24 PM: Detected 1 framework(s)
5:32:24 PM: "next" at version "13.2.4"
5:32:24 PM: Section completed: initializing
5:32:25 PM:
5:32:25 PM: Netlify Build
5:32:25 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
5:32:25 PM:
5:32:25 PM: ❯ Version
5:32:25 PM: @netlify/build 29.7.1
5:32:25 PM:
5:32:25 PM: ❯ Flags
5:32:25 PM: apiHost:
5:32:25 PM: baseRelDir: true
5:32:25 PM: branch: main
5:32:25 PM: buildId: 641c70f82d919d005ab59b21
5:32:25 PM: buildbotServerSocket: /tmp/netlify-buildbot-socket
5:32:25 PM: cacheDir: /opt/build/cache
5:32:25 PM: cachedConfigPath: /tmp/netlify_config.json
5:32:25 PM: context: production
5:32:25 PM: cwd: /opt/build/repo
5:32:25 PM: deployId: 641c70f82d919d005ab59b23
5:32:25 PM: edgeFunctionsDistDir: /tmp/edge-641c70f82d919d005ab59b23
5:32:25 PM: featureFlags:
5:32:25 PM: - edge_functions_cache_cli
5:32:25 PM: - edge_functions_system_logger
5:32:25 PM: framework: next
5:32:25 PM: functionsDistDir: /tmp/zisi-641c70f82d919d005ab59b23
5:32:25 PM: mode: buildbot
5:32:25 PM: nodePath: /opt/buildhome/.nvm/versions/node/v16.19.1/bin/node
5:32:25 PM: repositoryRoot: /opt/build/repo
5:32:25 PM: saveConfig: true
5:32:25 PM: sendStatus: true
5:32:25 PM: siteId: 5d259ff1-6089-4b86-9c08-e99b069f8aab
5:32:25 PM: statsd:
5:32:25 PM: host:
5:32:25 PM: port: 8125
5:32:25 PM: systemLogFile: 3
5:32:25 PM: testOpts:
5:32:25 PM: silentLingeringProcesses: ''
5:32:25 PM:
5:32:25 PM: ❯ Current directory
5:32:25 PM: /opt/build/repo
5:32:25 PM:
5:32:25 PM: ❯ Config file
5:32:25 PM: /opt/build/repo/netlify.toml
5:32:25 PM:
5:32:25 PM: ❯ Resolved config
5:32:25 PM: build:
5:32:25 PM: command: npm run build
5:32:25 PM: commandOrigin: ui
5:32:25 PM: environment:
5:32:25 PM: publish: /opt/build/repo/.next
5:32:25 PM: publishOrigin: ui
5:32:25 PM: plugins:
5:32:25 PM: - inputs: {}
5:32:25 PM: origin: config
5:32:25 PM: package: '@netlify/plugin-nextjs'
5:32:25 PM:
5:32:25 PM: ❯ Context
5:32:25 PM: production
5:32:25 PM:
5:32:25 PM: ❯ Available plugins
5:32:25 PM: - @algolia/netlify-plugin-crawler@1.0.0
5:32:25 PM: - @bharathvaj/netlify-plugin-airbrake@1.0.2
5:32:25 PM: - @chiselstrike/netlify-plugin@0.1.0
5:32:25 PM: - @commandbar/netlify-plugin-commandbar@0.0.4
5:32:25 PM: - @helloample/netlify-plugin-replace@1.1.4
5:32:25 PM: - @netlify/feature-package-pilot@0.1.11
5:32:25 PM: - @netlify/plugin-angular-universal@1.0.1
5:32:25 PM: - @netlify/plugin-contentful-buildtime@0.0.3
5:32:25 PM: - @netlify/plugin-emails@1.0.3
5:32:25 PM: - @netlify/plugin-gatsby@3.6.0
5:32:25 PM: - @netlify/plugin-lighthouse@4.0.7
5:32:25 PM: - @netlify/plugin-nextjs@4.32.2
5:32:25 PM: - @netlify/plugin-sitemap@0.8.1
5:32:25 PM: - @newrelic/netlify-plugin@1.0.1
5:32:25 PM: - @sentry/netlify-build-plugin@1.1.1
5:32:25 PM: - @snaplet/netlify-preview-database-plugin@2.0.0
5:32:25 PM: - @takeshape/netlify-plugin-takeshape@1.0.0
5:32:25 PM: - @vgs/netlify-plugin-vgs@0.0.2
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-build-plugin-dareboost@1.2.1
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-build-plugin-debugbear@1.0.6
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-build-plugin-perfbeacon@1.0.3
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-build-plugin-speedcurve@2.0.0
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-deployment-hours-plugin@0.0.10
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-a11y@0.0.12
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-add-instagram@0.2.2
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-algolia-index@0.3.0
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-amp-server-side-rendering@1.0.2
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-brand-guardian@1.0.1
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-build-logger@1.0.3
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-bundle-env@0.2.2
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-cache-nextjs@1.4.0
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-cecil-cache@0.3.3
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-checklinks@4.1.1
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-chromium@1.1.4
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-cloudinary@1.0.3
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-contextual-env@0.3.0
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-cypress@2.2.0
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-debug-cache@1.0.4
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-encrypted-files@0.0.5
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-fetch-feeds@0.2.3
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-flutter@1.1.0
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-formspree@1.0.1
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-gatsby-cache@0.3.0
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-get-env-vars@1.0.0
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-ghost-inspector@1.0.1
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-ghost-markdown@3.1.0
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-gmail@1.1.0
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-gridsome-cache@1.0.3
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-hashfiles@4.0.2
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-html-validate@1.0.0
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-hugo-cache-resources@0.2.1
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-image-optim@0.4.0
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-inline-critical-css@2.0.0
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-inline-functions-env@1.0.8
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-inline-source@1.0.4
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-inngest@1.0.0
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-is-website-vulnerable@2.0.3
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-jekyll-cache@1.0.0
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-js-obfuscator@1.0.20
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-minify-html@0.3.1
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-next-dynamic@1.0.9
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-nimbella@2.1.0
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-no-more-404@0.0.15
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-nx-skip-build@0.0.7
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-pagewatch@1.0.4
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-playwright-cache@0.0.1
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-prerender-spa@1.0.1
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-prisma-provider@0.3.0
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-pushover@0.1.1
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-qawolf@1.2.0
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-rss@0.0.8
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-search-index@0.1.5
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-snyk@1.2.0
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-stepzen@1.0.4
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-subfont@6.0.0
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-submit-sitemap@0.4.0
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-to-all-events@1.3.1
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-use-env-in-runtime@1.2.1
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-visual-diff@2.0.0
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-plugin-webmentions@1.1.0
5:32:25 PM: - netlify-purge-cloudflare-on-deploy@1.2.0
5:32:25 PM:
5:32:25 PM: ❯ Using Next.js Runtime - v4.32.2
5:32:27 PM:
5:32:27 PM: 1. @netlify/plugin-nextjs (onPreBuild event)
5:32:27 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
5:32:27 PM:
5:32:27 PM: Step starting.
5:32:27 PM: Step started.
5:32:27 PM: Plugin logic started.
5:32:27 PM: No Next.js cache to restore.
5:32:27 PM: Plugin logic ended.
5:32:27 PM: Stop closing.
5:32:27 PM: Step ended.
5:32:27 PM: Netlify configuration property "build.environment.NEXT_PRIVATE_TARGET" value changed.
5:32:27 PM:
5:32:27 PM: ❯ Updated config
5:32:27 PM: build:
5:32:27 PM: command: npm run build
5:32:27 PM: commandOrigin: ui
5:32:27 PM: environment:
5:32:27 PM: publish: /opt/build/repo/.next
5:32:27 PM: publishOrigin: ui
5:32:27 PM: plugins:
5:32:27 PM: - inputs: {}
5:32:27 PM: origin: config
5:32:27 PM: package: '@netlify/plugin-nextjs'
5:32:27 PM: Step completed.
5:32:27 PM:
5:32:27 PM: (@netlify/plugin-nextjs onPreBuild completed in 17ms)
5:32:27 PM: Build step duration: @netlify/plugin-nextjs onPreBuild completed in 17ms
5:32:27 PM:
5:32:27 PM: 2. Build command from Netlify app
5:32:27 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
5:32:27 PM:
5:32:27 PM: $ npm run build
5:32:27 PM: > learn_lithuanian@0.1.0 build
5:32:27 PM: > next build
5:32:27 PM: info - Loaded env from /opt/build/repo/.env
5:32:27 PM: warn - You have enabled experimental feature (appDir) in next.config.js.
5:32:27 PM: warn - Experimental features are not covered by semver, and may cause unexpected or broken application behavior. Use at your own risk.
5:32:27 PM: info - Thank you for testing `appDir` please leave your feedback at
5:32:27 PM: warn - No build cache found. Please configure build caching for faster rebuilds. Read more:
5:32:27 PM: info - Creating an optimized production build...
5:32:31 PM: info - Compiled successfully
5:32:31 PM: info - Linting and checking validity of types...
5:32:32 PM: Pages directory cannot be found at /opt/build/repo/pages or /opt/build/repo/src/pages. If using a custom path, please configure with the `no-html-link-for-pages` rule in your eslint config file.
5:32:33 PM: info - Collecting page data...
5:32:37 PM: info - Generating static pages (0/5)
5:32:37 PM: info - Generating static pages (1/5)
5:32:37 PM: info - Generating static pages (2/5)
5:32:37 PM: info - Generating static pages (3/5)
5:32:37 PM: info - Generating static pages (5/5)
5:32:37 PM: info - Finalizing page optimization...
5:32:37 PM: Route (app) Size First Load JS
5:32:37 PM: ┌ ○ / 172 B 74.5 kB
5:32:37 PM: ├ ○ /api/hello 0 B 0 B
5:32:37 PM: └ ○ /learn 2.2 kB 76.5 kB
5:32:37 PM: + First Load JS shared by all 68.8 kB
5:32:37 PM: ├ chunks/455-dd12041dc6de680b.js 66.4 kB
5:32:37 PM: ├ chunks/main-app-b08d576ce513f540.js 203 B
5:32:37 PM: └ chunks/webpack-596cea53c54d0255.js 2.22 kB
5:32:37 PM: Route (pages) Size First Load JS
5:32:37 PM: ─ ○ /404 179 B 84.7 kB
5:32:37 PM: + First Load JS shared by all 84.5 kB
5:32:37 PM: ├ chunks/main-6548d0ced9f53da0.js 82.1 kB
5:32:37 PM: ├ chunks/pages/_app-907dedfd0e4177db.js 192 B
5:32:37 PM: └ chunks/webpack-596cea53c54d0255.js 2.22 kB
5:32:37 PM: ○ (Static) automatically rendered as static HTML (uses no initial props)
5:32:38 PM:
5:32:38 PM: (build.command completed in 10.9s)
5:32:38 PM: Build step duration: build.command completed in 10967ms
5:32:38 PM:
5:32:38 PM: 3. @netlify/plugin-nextjs (onBuild event)
5:32:38 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
5:32:38 PM:
5:32:38 PM: Step starting.
5:32:38 PM: Step started.
5:32:38 PM: Plugin logic started.
5:32:38 PM: Patching /opt/build/repo/node_modules/next/dist/server/base-server.js
5:32:38 PM: Done
5:32:38 PM: Patching /opt/build/repo/node_modules/next/dist/server/next-server.js
5:32:38 PM: Done
5:32:38 PM: Moving static page files to serve from CDN...
5:32:38 PM: Moved 4 files
5:32:38 PM: You are not using Netlify Edge Functions for image format detection. Set env var "NEXT_FORCE_EDGE_IMAGES=true" to enable.
5:32:38 PM: Plugin logic ended.
5:32:38 PM: Stop closing.
5:32:38 PM: Step ended.
5:32:38 PM: Netlify configuration property "functions._ipx" value changed to { node_bundler: 'nft' }.
5:32:38 PM: Netlify configuration property "functions.___netlify-handler" value changed to {
5:32:38 PM: included_files: [
5:32:38 PM: '.env',
5:32:38 PM: '.env.local',
5:32:38 PM: '.env.production',
5:32:38 PM: '.env.production.local',
5:32:38 PM: './public/locales/**',
5:32:38 PM: './next-i18next.config.js',
5:32:38 PM: '.next/server/**',
5:32:38 PM: '.next/serverless/**',
5:32:38 PM: '.next/*.json',
5:32:38 PM: '.next/BUILD_ID',
5:32:38 PM: '.next/static/chunks/webpack-middleware*.js',
5:32:38 PM: '!.next/server/**/*.js.nft.json',
5:32:38 PM: '!.next/server/**/*.map',
5:32:38 PM: '!**/node_modules/@next/swc*/**/*',
5:32:38 PM: '!node_modules/next/dist/compiled/@ampproject/toolbox-optimizer/**/*',
5:32:38 PM: '!node_modules/next/dist/server/lib/squoosh/**/*.wasm',
5:32:38 PM: '!node_modules/next/dist/next-server/server/lib/squoosh/**/*.wasm',
5:32:38 PM: '!node_modules/next/dist/compiled/webpack/bundle4.js',
5:32:38 PM: '!node_modules/next/dist/compiled/webpack/bundle5.js',
5:32:38 PM: '!node_modules/sharp/**/*'
5:32:38 PM: ],
5:32:38 PM: external_node_modules: [],
5:32:38 PM: node_bundler: 'nft'
5:32:38 PM: }.
5:32:38 PM: Netlify configuration property "functions.___netlify-odb-handler" value changed to {
5:32:38 PM: included_files: [
5:32:38 PM: '.env',
5:32:38 PM: '.env.local',
5:32:38 PM: '.env.production',
5:32:38 PM: '.env.production.local',
5:32:38 PM: './public/locales/**',
5:32:38 PM: './next-i18next.config.js',
5:32:38 PM: '.next/server/**',
5:32:38 PM: '.next/serverless/**',
5:32:38 PM: '.next/*.json',
5:32:38 PM: '.next/BUILD_ID',
5:32:38 PM: '.next/static/chunks/webpack-middleware*.js',
5:32:38 PM: '!.next/server/**/*.js.nft.json',
5:32:38 PM: '!.next/server/**/*.map',
5:32:38 PM: '!**/node_modules/@next/swc*/**/*',
5:32:38 PM: '!node_modules/next/dist/compiled/@ampproject/toolbox-optimizer/**/*',
5:32:38 PM: '!node_modules/next/dist/server/lib/squoosh/**/*.wasm',
5:32:38 PM: '!node_modules/next/dist/next-server/server/lib/squoosh/**/*.wasm',
5:32:38 PM: '!node_modules/next/dist/compiled/webpack/bundle4.js',
5:32:38 PM: '!node_modules/next/dist/compiled/webpack/bundle5.js',
5:32:38 PM: '!node_modules/sharp/**/*'
5:32:38 PM: ],
5:32:38 PM: external_node_modules: [],
5:32:38 PM: node_bundler: 'nft'
5:32:38 PM: }.
5:32:38 PM: Netlify configuration property "functions._api_*" value changed to {
5:32:38 PM: included_files: [
5:32:38 PM: '.env',
5:32:38 PM: '.env.local',
5:32:38 PM: '.env.production',
5:32:38 PM: '.env.production.local',
5:32:38 PM: './public/locales/**',
5:32:38 PM: './next-i18next.config.js',
5:32:38 PM: '.next/server/**',
5:32:38 PM: '.next/serverless/**',
5:32:38 PM: '.next/*.json',
5:32:38 PM: '.next/BUILD_ID',
5:32:38 PM: '.next/static/chunks/webpack-middleware*.js',
5:32:38 PM: '!.next/server/**/*.js.nft.json',
5:32:38 PM: '!.next/server/**/*.map',
5:32:38 PM: '!**/node_modules/@next/swc*/**/*',
5:32:38 PM: '!node_modules/next/dist/compiled/@ampproject/toolbox-optimizer/**/*',
5:32:38 PM: '!node_modules/next/dist/server/lib/squoosh/**/*.wasm',
5:32:38 PM: '!node_modules/next/dist/next-server/server/lib/squoosh/**/*.wasm',
5:32:38 PM: '!node_modules/next/dist/compiled/webpack/bundle4.js',
5:32:38 PM: '!node_modules/next/dist/compiled/webpack/bundle5.js',
5:32:38 PM: '!node_modules/sharp/**/*'
5:32:38 PM: ],
5:32:38 PM: external_node_modules: [],
5:32:38 PM: node_bundler: 'nft'
5:32:38 PM: }.
5:32:38 PM: Netlify configuration property "redirects" value changed to [
5:32:38 PM: { from: '/_next/static/*', to: '/static/:splat', status: 200 },
5:32:38 PM: {
5:32:38 PM: from: '/_next/image*',
5:32:38 PM: query: { url: ':url', w: ':width', q: ':quality' },
5:32:38 PM: to: '/_ipx/w_:width,q_:quality/:url',
5:32:38 PM: status: 301
5:32:38 PM: },
5:32:38 PM: { from: '/_ipx/*', to: '/.netlify/builders/_ipx', status: 200 },
5:32:38 PM: { from: '/cache/*', to: '/404.html', status: 404, force: true },
5:32:38 PM: { from: '/server/*', to: '/404.html', status: 404, force: true },
5:32:38 PM: { from: '/serverless/*', to: '/404.html', status: 404, force: true },
5:32:38 PM: { from: '/trace', to: '/404.html', status: 404, force: true },
5:32:38 PM: { from: '/traces', to: '/404.html', status: 404, force: true },
5:32:38 PM: {
5:32:38 PM: from: '/routes-manifest.json',
5:32:38 PM: to: '/404.html',
5:32:38 PM: status: 404,
5:32:38 PM: force: true
5:32:38 PM: },
5:32:38 PM: {
5:32:38 PM: from: '/build-manifest.json',
5:32:38 PM: to: '/404.html',
5:32:38 PM: status: 404,
5:32:38 PM: force: true
5:32:38 PM: },
5:32:38 PM: {
5:32:38 PM: from: '/prerender-manifest.json',
5:32:38 PM: to: '/404.html',
5:32:38 PM: status: 404,
5:32:38 PM: force: true
5:32:38 PM: },
5:32:38 PM: {
5:32:38 PM: from: '/react-loadable-manifest.json',
5:32:38 PM: to: '/404.html',
5:32:38 PM: status: 404,
5:32:38 PM: force: true
5:32:38 PM: },
5:32:38 PM: { from: '/BUILD_ID', to: '/404.html', status: 404, force: true },
5:32:38 PM: {
5:32:38 PM: from: '/api/*',
5:32:38 PM: to: '/.netlify/functions/___netlify-handler',
5:32:38 PM: status: 200
5:32:38 PM: },
5:32:38 PM: {
5:32:38 PM: from: '/next.svg',
5:32:38 PM: to: '/next.svg',
5:32:38 PM: conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:32:38 PM: status: 200
5:32:38 PM: },
5:32:38 PM: {
5:32:38 PM: from: '/thirteen.svg',
5:32:38 PM: to: '/thirteen.svg',
5:32:38 PM: conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:32:38 PM: status: 200
5:32:38 PM: },
5:32:38 PM: {
5:32:38 PM: from: '/vercel.svg',
5:32:38 PM: to: '/vercel.svg',
5:32:38 PM: conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:32:38 PM: status: 200
5:32:38 PM: },
5:32:38 PM: {
5:32:38 PM: from: '/audio/kaina.mp3',
5:32:38 PM: to: '/audio/kaina.mp3',
5:32:38 PM: conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:32:38 PM: status: 200
5:32:38 PM: },
5:32:38 PM: {
5:32:38 PM: from: '/*',
5:32:38 PM: to: '/.netlify/functions/___netlify-handler',
5:32:38 PM: status: 200,
5:32:38 PM: conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
5:32:38 PM: force: true
5:32:38 PM: },
5:32:38 PM: {
5:32:38 PM: from: '/*',
5:32:38 PM: to: '/.netlify/functions/___netlify-handler',
5:32:38 PM: status: 200
5:32:38 PM: }
5:32:38 PM: ].
5:32:38 PM:
5:32:38 PM: ❯ Updated config
5:32:38 PM: build:
5:32:38 PM: command: npm run build
5:32:38 PM: commandOrigin: ui
5:32:38 PM: environment:
5:32:38 PM: publish: /opt/build/repo/.next
5:32:38 PM: publishOrigin: ui
5:32:38 PM: functions:
5:32:38 PM: ___netlify-handler:
5:32:38 PM: external_node_modules: []
5:32:38 PM: included_files:
5:32:38 PM: - .env
5:32:38 PM: - .env.local
5:32:38 PM: - .env.production
5:32:38 PM: - .env.production.local
5:32:38 PM: - ./public/locales/**
- ./next-i18next.config.js
- .next/server/**
- .next/serverless/**
- .next/*.json
- .next/BUILD_ID
- .next/static/chunks/webpack-middleware*.js
- '!.next/server/**/*.js.nft.json'
- '!.next/server/**/*.map'
5:32:38 PM: - '!**/node_modules/@next/swc*/**/*'
5:32:38 PM: - '!node_modules/next/dist/compiled/@ampproject/toolbox-optimizer/**/*'
5:32:38 PM: - '!node_modules/next/dist/server/lib/squoosh/**/*.wasm'
5:32:38 PM: - '!node_modules/next/dist/next-server/server/lib/squoosh/**/*.wasm'
5:32:38 PM: - '!node_modules/next/dist/compiled/webpack/bundle4.js'
5:32:38 PM: - '!node_modules/next/dist/compiled/webpack/bundle5.js'
5:32:38 PM: - '!node_modules/sharp/**/*'
5:32:38 PM: node_bundler: nft
5:32:38 PM: ___netlify-odb-handler:
5:32:38 PM: external_node_modules: []
5:32:38 PM: included_files:
5:32:38 PM: - .env
5:32:38 PM: - .env.local
5:32:38 PM: - .env.production
5:32:38 PM: - .env.production.local
5:32:38 PM: - ./public/locales/**
- ./next-i18next.config.js
- .next/server/**
- .next/serverless/**
- .next/*.json
- .next/BUILD_ID
- .next/static/chunks/webpack-middleware*.js
- '!.next/server/**/*.js.nft.json'
- '!.next/server/**/*.map'
5:32:38 PM: - '!**/node_modules/@next/swc*/**/*'
5:32:38 PM: - '!node_modules/next/dist/compiled/@ampproject/toolbox-optimizer/**/*'
5:32:38 PM: - '!node_modules/next/dist/server/lib/squoosh/**/*.wasm'
5:32:38 PM: - '!node_modules/next/dist/next-server/server/lib/squoosh/**/*.wasm'
5:32:38 PM: - '!node_modules/next/dist/compiled/webpack/bundle4.js'
5:32:38 PM: - '!node_modules/next/dist/compiled/webpack/bundle5.js'
5:32:38 PM: - '!node_modules/sharp/**/*'
5:32:38 PM: node_bundler: nft
5:32:38 PM: _api_*:
5:32:38 PM: external_node_modules: []
5:32:38 PM: included_files:
5:32:38 PM: - .env
5:32:38 PM: - .env.local
5:32:38 PM: - .env.production
5:32:38 PM: - .env.production.local
5:32:38 PM: - ./public/locales/**
- ./next-i18next.config.js
- .next/server/**
- .next/serverless/**
- .next/*.json
- .next/BUILD_ID
- .next/static/chunks/webpack-middleware*.js
- '!.next/server/**/*.js.nft.json'
- '!.next/server/**/*.map'
5:32:38 PM: - '!**/node_modules/@next/swc*/**/*'
5:32:38 PM: - '!node_modules/next/dist/compiled/@ampproject/toolbox-optimizer/**/*'
5:32:38 PM: - '!node_modules/next/dist/server/lib/squoosh/**/*.wasm'
5:32:38 PM: - '!node_modules/next/dist/next-server/server/lib/squoosh/**/*.wasm'
5:32:38 PM: - '!node_modules/next/dist/compiled/webpack/bundle4.js'
5:32:38 PM: - '!node_modules/next/dist/compiled/webpack/bundle5.js'
5:32:38 PM: - '!node_modules/sharp/**/*'
5:32:38 PM: node_bundler: nft
5:32:38 PM: _ipx:
5:32:38 PM: node_bundler: nft
5:32:38 PM: plugins:
5:32:38 PM: - inputs: {}
5:32:38 PM: origin: config
5:32:38 PM: package: '@netlify/plugin-nextjs'
5:32:38 PM: redirects:
5:32:38 PM: - from: /_next/static/*
status: 200
to: /static/:splat
- from: /_next/image*
q: ':quality'
url: ':url'
w: ':width'
status: 301
to: /_ipx/w_:width,q_:quality/:url
- from: /_ipx/*
status: 200
to: /.netlify/builders/_ipx
- force: true
from: /cache/*
status: 404
to: /404.html
- force: true
from: /server/*
status: 404
to: /404.html
- force: true
from: /serverless/*
status: 404
to: /404.html
- force: true
from: /trace
status: 404
to: /404.html
- force: true
from: /traces
status: 404
to: /404.html
- force: true
from: /routes-manifest.json
status: 404
to: /404.html
- force: true
from: /build-manifest.json
status: 404
to: /404.html
- force: true
from: /prerender-manifest.json
status: 404
to: /404.html
- force: true
from: /react-loadable-manifest.json
status: 404
to: /404.html
- force: true
from: /BUILD_ID
status: 404
to: /404.html
- from: /api/*
status: 200
to: /.netlify/functions/___netlify-handler
- conditions:
- __prerender_bypass
- __next_preview_data
from: /next.svg
status: 200
to: /next.svg
- conditions:
- __prerender_bypass
- __next_preview_data
from: /thirteen.svg
status: 200
to: /thirteen.svg
- conditions:
- __prerender_bypass
- __next_preview_data
from: /vercel.svg
status: 200
to: /vercel.svg
- conditions:
- __prerender_bypass
- __next_preview_data
from: /audio/kaina.mp3
status: 200
to: /audio/kaina.mp3
- conditions:
- __prerender_bypass
- __next_preview_data
force: true
from: /*
status: 200
to: /.netlify/functions/___netlify-handler
- from: /*
status: 200
to: /.netlify/functions/___netlify-handler
redirectsOrigin: inline
Step completed.
5:32:38 PM:
5:32:38 PM: (@netlify/plugin-nextjs onBuild completed in 51ms)
5:32:38 PM: Build step duration: @netlify/plugin-nextjs onBuild completed in 51ms
5:32:38 PM:
5:32:38 PM: 4. Functions bundling
5:32:38 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
5:32:38 PM:
5:32:38 PM: Packaging Functions from .netlify/functions-internal directory:
5:32:38 PM: - ___netlify-handler/___netlify-handler.js
5:32:38 PM: - ___netlify-odb-handler/___netlify-odb-handler.js
5:32:38 PM: - _ipx/_ipx.js
5:32:38 PM:
5:33:04 PM:
5:33:04 PM: (Functions bundling completed in 26.6s)
5:33:04 PM: Build step duration: Functions bundling completed in 26610ms
5:33:04 PM:
5:33:04 PM: 5. Edge Functions bundling
5:33:04 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
5:33:04 PM:
5:33:04 PM: Packaging Edge Functions from .netlify/edge-functions directory:
5:33:04 PM: - rsc-data
5:33:04 PM: Local version of types is outdated, updating: undefined
5:33:04 PM: Using global installation of Deno CLI
5:33:05 PM: Using global installation of Deno CLI
5:33:05 PM: Using global installation of Deno CLI
5:33:05 PM: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'endsWith')
5:33:05 PM: at file:///opt/build/repo/.netlify/edge-functions/edge-shared/rsc-data.ts:38:48
5:33:05 PM: at Array.filter (<anonymous>)
5:33:05 PM: at getRscDataRouter (file:///opt/build/repo/.netlify/edge-functions/edge-shared/rsc-data.ts:38:8)
5:33:05 PM: at file:///opt/build/repo/.netlify/edge-functions/rsc-data/rsc-data.ts:4:17
5:33:05 PM: Could not load edge function at '/opt/build/repo/.netlify/edge-functions/rsc-data/rsc-data.ts'