I am the Tech Director/Lead Developer for Spotlight PA. We’re a non-profit and the largest newsroom in Pennsylvania dedicated to holding the Pennsylvania state government to account. We’ve been hosting all our content on Netlify since we started last May, and we’ve even open sourced our Hugo repo and an admin portal repo. I was wondering if we could convert the projects to part of an open source team plan. I just created the projects as parts of my personal account when we started, but it would be nice to have things separated, especially now that we’re using more build minutes.
Here are the details:
Our site: https://www.spotlightpa.org/
Project name: http://poor-richard-spotlightpa.netlify.com
Github repo: GitHub - spotlightpa/poor-richard: Static site for Spotlight PA
Admin portal: spotlightpa-almanack.netlify.com
Admin repo: GitHub - spotlightpa/almanack: Predicts future sports scores