Counts every time a function was invoked in the current billing period

Hi, my netlify url is

In functions it is stating i have almost reached function limit. But i dont have any functions added, it is a simple next js web app.

Please can you check my account and stop functions.

122,805 out of 125,000

2,195 requests left

This is currently expected. Any uncached request to your site will invoke a Function.

Thanks for the answer. I also had that issue.
Can you tell me where I can define caching policy. I have a site with about 10 pages and my requests are up to 100k already. To my understanding this function invoke would only have to be done every now and then and after that it should deliver a cached version of it (a bit like generating the page in beforehand).

I use nuxt3 and netlify.

You need to specify the cache headers in your framework.

What netlify means with “functions was invoked” like API calls or whatever backend / frontend thing my website does? Because if that’s the case it’s not good, even for those like me that pay for the Pro plan…

It depends on each site and how it’s using Netlify. But in general, assuming you’re using Next.js, then every uncached request for HTML pages, API routes, actions will invoke a Function.

That’s probably the reason why netlify isn’t the best choice when it comes to large and wide production websites

Well, typically the larger a site gets traffic the better the cache results are, which will decrease function usage. If you have any other questions, let us know! Thanks!