Cannot indexed by Google Search Console

I’ve deployed my app on Netlify, but the Google search console cannot index it.
It always shows Server Error (5xx). I cannot not find my website with Google search as well.
I’ve turned off the prerendering, but the error is still there.
Here is the url:
And the template: GitHub - once-ui-system/magic-portfolio: ⚡ Build your timeless portfolio with Once UI's Magic Portfolio

It’s a Google issue. Your site’s working fine.

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Is it really a Google issue? I believe that if it were the case, it would have been fixed by now.

While I can’t reproduce the problem locally, Google Search Console started to report “Server error (5xx)” for a bunch of my URLs since 2025-01-26 for no apparent reason. I originally thought it was a one-off but more and more pages are getting flagged with this error. I even tried revalidating one of the flagged pages but it failed again.

Affected URLs so far:

Can you investigate a bit more?

You can try disabling prerendering: Build & deploy | Site configuration | debigare | Netlify

It appears that disabling prerendering did change something, but I have a different error now. Google Search Console now reports all 3 pages failing indexing due to a “Redirect error” as of today (February 19) instead of the original error. Note that the last time I updated my redirects on my site was back in September and only 1 of those 3 pages are referenced in it.

Based on the information available to me, I suspect the Netlify server handing whether a request should be prerendered or not is conflicting with the Pretty URLs feature. The reason is because the 3 flagged pages in my report don’t have trailing slashes at the end of their URLs and should redirect to the canonical pages that do.

Can you investigate further on your side, since this indeed appears to be a Netlify issue after all?

What’s a redirect error? Is the redirect erroring? Or is it redirecting to an error page?

To clarify, not all issues are Netlify issues. Google does quite often times reporting indexing errors. There are countless threads available on the internet that show that.

In the OP’s case, their site was indeed working fine. In your case, you enabled a beta feature (Prerendering) which fails from time to time. In neither case, this was something naturally caused by Netlify.

If you want to indicate a Netlify issue, please back up your post with some useful data like response data from Netlify (in the form of HAR files or request IDs). Currently, we cannot see what you see in your Google Search Console and we don’t know if Google is correctly reporting the status or not. So investigation in this case is not easy as we don’t have any meaningful leads to follow.

What’s a redirect error? Is the redirect erroring? Or is it redirecting to an error page?

It means that the page returned a redirect response, but that the bot could not follow the redirect. It could be because the target somewhere along the redirect chain was invalid, not resolving or returning an error, because the redirect chain formed a loop, or because there were an excessive amount of redirects to follow.

To clarify, not all issues are Netlify issues. Google does quite often times reporting indexing errors. There are countless threads available on the internet that show that.

Of course, but given that the error changed after switching off a Netlify feature, I suspect Netlify to be the root cause of this issue more than Google.

In the OP’s case, their site was indeed working fine. In your case, you enabled a beta feature (Prerendering) which fails from time to time. In neither case, this was something naturally caused by Netlify.

Did I? If so, I do not recall. I was surprised to see that feature turned on for my site when you brought it up. Sorry about that. That said, the behavior is wrong either way, so there’s still something fishy going on here that should be investigated.

If you want to indicate a Netlify issue, please back up your post with some useful data like response data from Netlify (in the form of HAR files or request IDs).

As previously mentioned, I can’t reproduce the issue locally, and Google Search Console thinks everything’s OK when testing the live page. It’s only during indexation that this issue occurs. One strange detail I did notice is that the body of the affected redirects needlessly contain the HTML page of the final destination, but that’s it. Without access to Netlify’s backend logs, I can’t investigate further, hence why I’m seeking help from you in the first place.

Currently, we cannot see what you see in your Google Search Console and we don’t know if Google is correctly reporting the status or not.

I already reported everything relevant, but here’s a screenshot for clarity as to the current status for me: