I’ve deployed my app on Netlify, but the Google search console cannot index it.
It always shows Server Error (5xx). I cannot not find my website with Google search as well.
I’ve turned off the prerendering, but the error is still there.
Here is the url: https://poppiano-ai.netlify.app/
And the template: GitHub - once-ui-system/magic-portfolio: ⚡ Build your timeless portfolio with Once UI's Magic Portfolio
It’s a Google issue. Your site’s working fine.
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Is it really a Google issue? I believe that if it were the case, it would have been fixed by now.
While I can’t reproduce the problem locally, Google Search Console started to report “Server error (5xx)” for a bunch of my URLs since 2025-01-26 for no apparent reason. I originally thought it was a one-off but more and more pages are getting flagged with this error. I even tried revalidating one of the flagged pages but it failed again.
Affected URLs so far:
- Professional Crossroads | Guillaume Fortin-Debigaré since Feb 6, 2025
- Reasonable Doubt as a Game Mechanic | Guillaume Fortin-Debigaré since Feb 3, 2025
- Resolving PlayStation Vita Error Code NP-9968-2 | Guillaume Fortin-Debigaré since Jan 26, 2025
Can you investigate a bit more?
You can try disabling prerendering: Build & deploy | Site configuration | debigare | Netlify