Cannot find the "Transfer Site" option under "Site configuration > General > Site information"

Site name: competent-brattain-de2d6d

I am trying to follow the instructions on support page to transfer a site to another team. I am the owner of the site above. I cannot find the “Transfer Site” option under “Site configuration > General > Site information”. Can I get some help?

Thanks! - James

Hi James,

The transfer option is only available if you’re a listed owner on both teams (the emails must match exactly). If that’s not the case, we’re happy to assist you in our helpdesk. Feel free to open a ticket there or let us know and we can escalate this thread on our end!

Thanks! That explains it. My account in the destination team uses a different email. Let me try to fix it.

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Sounds great, if you need further assistance feel free to let us know!