Build & publish only via Build hook revisited

Hi All,

Is the answer in Build & publish only via Build hook still relevant 4 years on - i.e. to be able to build and publish via a build hook I need to get support to activate something in the backend?

I have build hooks working but not the publishing of a successful build.


@SparkyT You should be able to build & publish with a build hook.

The discussion in that thread concerns “only building via build hook”.
E.g. Those users want to prevent other methods of building - building via code push etc.

Thanks, I wasn’t clear enough on the question.

I’m also asking about only building and publishing via a build hook. If I don’t want code pushes to trigger builds as well, do I still need to engage with support to have this?

Thanks for clarifying!

I can’t say with any certainty as I don’t work for them.

They’ll respond when they see this thread.

This sounds more like you’ve auto-publishing disabled?

In any case yes, you still need to contact us if you need to disable builds on repo push but leave build hooks active.

I’m also interested in this - could you please disable builds on push but leave build hooks active for my site? Site ID is c4c4d31a-863a-4290-9e26-cc38316d4557

This is now enabled for your site.

Are you able enable this for my site too please? The site ID is d108df02-d111-49cb-b02b-31f1b2faffed
Thank you!