Build not create in netlify

9:59:21 AM: $ npm run build
9:59:22 AM: > wrirk_crm@1.1.0 build /opt/build/repo
9:59:22 AM: > react-scripts build
9:59:24 AM: Creating an optimized production build…
10:05:35 AM: The build failed because the process exited too early. This probably means the system ran out of memory or someone called kill -9 on the process.
10:05:36 AM: npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE
10:05:36 AM: npm ERR! errno 1
10:05:36 AM: npm ERR! wrirk_crm@1.1.0 build: react-scripts build
10:05:36 AM: npm ERR! Exit status 1
10:05:36 AM: npm ERR!
10:05:36 AM: npm ERR! Failed at the wrirk_crm@1.1.0 build script.
10:05:36 AM: npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
10:05:36 AM: npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
10:05:36 AM: npm ERR! /opt/buildhome/.npm/_logs/2022-02-23T04_35_36_071Z-debug.log
10:05:36 AM: ​
10:05:36 AM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
10:05:36 AM: β€œbuild.command” failed
10:05:36 AM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
10:05:36 AM: ​
10:05:36 AM: Error message
10:05:36 AM: Command failed with exit code 1: npm run build
10:05:36 AM: ​
10:05:36 AM: Error location
10:05:36 AM: In Build command from Netlify app:
10:05:36 AM: npm run build
10:05:36 AM: ​
10:05:36 AM: Resolved config
10:05:36 AM: build:
10:05:36 AM: command: npm run build
10:05:36 AM: commandOrigin: ui
10:05:36 AM: environment:
10:05:36 AM: - CI
10:05:36 AM: - NODE_VERSION

I have already put CI= npm run build and CI = False in env variables

Hey @manish

As per this line from the log, the build system is running out of memory.

First place to start is [Support Guide] Making sure your builds use appropriate resources for Netlify's build system followed by [Support Guide] Compiled Build and Deploy Resources -- start here!

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