Something changed and it looks like the format of the link changed from just the URL to a Markdown syntax link which cannot be clicked. It would be better to just use the plain URL like the latest deploy log link.
Facing similar issue, seems like markdown rendering issue. Did you found a fix?
I haven’t yet, I think we need someone from Netlify to respond. Something changed in the information that they are using for comments in the MR.
This is a change (and an errror) on GitLab’s end. This was first brought to our notice a week or two ago and we checked our code - nothing has changed there and the markdown is also valid. The user who reported this to us confirmed that the markdown is valid for them as well and it’s an issue on GitLab’s end.
Why is that the only link that now uses a Markdown link format and the others that work as they used to are just plain url without markdown formatting?
I don’t know why we’re using some links as Markdown vs some as link text directly. I have asked the devs if that’s something we can change on our end.
We were using the current setup as a workaround for limitations with Azure DevOps back when we introduced support for it. As of now, turns out Azure DevOps is now able to correctly parse the plaintext links, so we should be able to get rid of the workaround and use plaintext links consistently.