I think I’m having some DNS issues with my apex domain. It appears to be stuck on check DNS configuration. I know that it can take up to 48 hours but the www. change and removing my old A record happened instantaneously so I’m wondering if this is a problem at Netlify’s end?
Hi, @tristyb, you are correct. This is the same issue and it is now resolved. We do have an open issue tracking the root cause of this. It is rare but does still sometimes occur. We can manually correct it when it does and it is my hopes that the issue itself is resolved soon.
In the meantime, anyone experiencing this should let us know here in community and we’ll be happy to assist.
Hi, @Chi, and welcome to the Netlify community site.
I’m showing this domain is using external DNS. The www subdomain has the recommended CNAME record:
www.hackph.tech. 1800 IN CNAME hackphquarantine.netlify.com.
However, the apex/root domain doesn’t have the recommended A record (or ALIAS type record to the CNAME if your DNS service supports this). There is no answer for the apex/root domain at this time:
The solution for this will be to either add an ALIAS record (again, only if the DNS service supports this) or the A record pointing to for the apex/root domain.
Would you please try adding that? If it doesn’t resolve the issue, please let us know.
@luke it’s working now. I have reached out to my domain provider and instead of using the domain name as suggested in the documentation, they recommended to use the @ for the A record. Thanks
Hello, Luke/Support. I was browsing the forums and believe I may have a similar issue.
My subdomain www.zinhart.io linked with netlify pretty fast but my apex domain zinhart.io has not, and its been > 24hours.