I transferred my domain from godaddy to google. The record of that domain and its DNS records are all gone on my godaddy account. When I try to visit the site that was previously coupled to that domain it no longer works.
I tried to set up a new site using netlify with said custom domain but netlify gives me this error
Since there are no records of it being used by a site anymore I’m not sure how to fix this… a lot of searching and googling hasn’t turned up any answers to this specific issue.
Hi, @Katedam, and welcome to the Netlify community site.
Would you please let us know what domain this is happening for? We’ll be able to find out why this is occurring, and suggest a solution, with that information.
We have sent you an email about this issue to the email address associated with your Netlify account, and we’ll communicate with you through that email to continue troubleshooting.
(Please note that for security reasons, we will not contact you at email addresses not listed in your Netlify account.)
Also, please let us know with a reply here if you don’t receive a message from us.