hello, we have increased your domain limit.
hello, am also getting this error “You have reached a limit for domain orders. Please contact support for further assistance.” the domain am trying to purchase is faithfusiondigital.org, my email is stevephary@gmail.com
Hi @stevephary
I have made an adjustment to your account that should allow you to purchase additional domains. Could you please give it another try and let us know if you are still seeing an issue? If you are, would you mind telling us the domain name you are trying to purchase?
thank you, i have purchase my domain successfully
i have this problem that doesnt allow me to add a costum domain. Its showing this error “You have reached a limit for domain orders. Please contact support for further assistance.”
Hello, your domain limit has now been increased! thank you for writing in.
i have this problem againthat doesnt allow me to purchase a costum domain. Its showing this error “You have reached a limit for domain orders. Please contact support for further assistance.
i have this problem that shows “You have reached a limit for domain orders. Please contact support for further assistance.” and i nead it emergently fixed please
Hi there! I have raised your domain order limit to 20 domains. Please let us know if you have any trouble purchasing additional domains. Thanks!
I have the same problem as everyone above on the domain: inquisitive-otter-29b7c6
Thanks you !
someone can help me ? thanks
Hello bemjamin.mortier,
We hope this message finds you well,
We are writing to inform you that your account has been disabled following a review of the sites and domains associated with your account.
We identified that the 7 sites in your account are primarily related to cryptocurrency and domains associated with lotteries.
The patterns raises concerns regarding compliance with our platform’s guidelines and policies.
If you believe this action was taken in error and have additional information to share, please let us know and we’ll be able to review your case,
Thank you
Netlify Fraud & Abuse
Hey, I need my domain limit raised:
Slug - remarkable-flan-e3261b
email - Kamzogu@gmail.com
Hi @kamz!
Hello! I’ve sent this request to our helpdesk, and we’ll follow up shortly via email. Thank you!
Hello Netlify Community!
If you need assistance from Netlify Support to raise your current domain limit, please submit those requests via our form here: Support.
This will create a helpdesk ticket so our Support team can help you with your specific case.
Thank you!! We look forward to helping you.
The Netlify Support Team