Hey Nathan, I built this through loveable as I am technical. I’ve given loveable this insight and had them redraft the code. It seems like I am still having the same issue though. Is there any way I can get technical help from your team; I’d be happy to upgrade to a premium tier?
I just need someone to support me in fixing the code itself. Can you recommend a next step for this case?
@rickygomez55 I presume you’re using an AI tool and you mean to say that you’re “not technical”?
I don’t work for Netlify.
It is possible to hire my team, but we’re unfortunately unlikely to want to assist with this project.
Netlify only provide custom code assistance to Enterprise subscribers that have paid for that additional service, you can read more in an answer they gave here:
I was provided a quote for the base level ‘Enterprise plan’ in 2021:
Depending on what you’re actually trying to do, you may need to hire a human to assist.
If you’re having difficulty with a particular AI service, you could also raise it with their support.