When deploying, my site shows completely blank and /lander at the end of the url

PLEASE help us help you by writing a good post!

Site name: http://rgkconsultinggroup.com*
Doesn’t seem to be a DNS issue. *
Error: Fix Module import error*

Not set

Base directory

Package directory
Not set

Build command
npm run build

Publish directory

Functions directory

Build status


I tried the chatbot but it didn’t give me a solution, please help.

@rickygomez55 Checking the requests:

Your site initially loads the root page, then loads the /lander page.

It does this not due to a regular redirect, but because the root page is returning this JavaScript:

When the page ends up at /lander it then fails to load the other JavaScript files.

This is because they’re loading cross domain from another site:

The issue is due to the site/code that you have deployed.

Hey Nathan, I built this through loveable as I am technical. I’ve given loveable this insight and had them redraft the code. It seems like I am still having the same issue though. Is there any way I can get technical help from your team; I’d be happy to upgrade to a premium tier?
I just need someone to support me in fixing the code itself. Can you recommend a next step for this case?

@rickygomez55 I presume you’re using an AI tool and you mean to say that you’re “not technical”?

I don’t work for Netlify.
It is possible to hire my team, but we’re unfortunately unlikely to want to assist with this project.

Netlify only provide custom code assistance to Enterprise subscribers that have paid for that additional service, you can read more in an answer they gave here:

I was provided a quote for the base level ‘Enterprise plan’ in 2021:

Depending on what you’re actually trying to do, you may need to hire a human to assist.

If you’re having difficulty with a particular AI service, you could also raise it with their support.

Hey Nathan,
I was able to debug some of it myself as now it is showing cleanly on this page:

However, when I go to the website itself, it’s still showing as not published: https://rgkconsultinggroup.com/

And I’m still having the /lander issue. Any additional advice?

Check your DNS records and ensure they resolve to Netlify.

The Documentation is…

Delegating to use Netlify DNS


Using your existing DNS provider

Your DNS records are currently pointed elsewhere:

Your NS records are:


Your A records are:

The site shows the server as:

See Netlify’s response to your duplicate thread here too: