What is the username and password to be used in basic auth of netlify large media git lfs URL (found in .lsconfig). I have to access it via API, my account login in netlify is via github. I am struggling with this from last 2 days. Please let me know a way to implement API. My main aim is to upload file to Large Media via API and then update git repo with its reference OID, SIZE).
Any help in this direction will be highly appreciated.
HI, @explore. It is odd that no one from support has replied to this topic before. The solution for this is to install the Netlify CLI tool on the system where this is happening and to then install the Git credential helper.
$ netlify lm:install help
Configures your computer to use Netlify Large Media.
$ netlify lm:install
-f, --force Force the credentials helper installation
--auth=auth Netlify auth token
--json Output return values as JSON
--silent Silence CLI output
It installs the required credentials helper for Git,
and configures your Git environment with the right credentials.
$ netlify lm:init
So, you can install the Netlify CLI tool with:
npm i -g netlify-cli
And then the credential helper with this:
netlify lm:install
If that doesn’t resolve the issue, please let us know.
Thanks that’s helpful. Something along these lines was happening on my system where VSCode was prompting for a username and password on every push and it wouldn’t dismiss. It did say the credential helper installed but it must have failed.