Very slow websites


I noticed most of the websites of my network are now very slow, when they used to load very fast.

Example :

Also, which is strange, when I open the production deploy preview, this one is very fast to load, much more fast than the production :

Note that I did not upload a new version of that site for months, and it used to load very fast.

Another strange point, I’m pretty sure some of my sites had several “deploy versions”. I wanted to rollback to previous versions to check if the site would load faster, but I noticed that now the sites have only 1 production deploy, like if all the archives of previous versions were deleted somehow.

  • Is there a problem with CDN caching ?
  • could the issue be related to DNS ?
  • I’m located in Africa, is it slower here ?

thanks for the help


Those are the response times for yourr site. Do you mind sharing a HAR file that shows slow responses?

Hi @hrishikesh

Thanks for your answer.

Well, now the websites are fast again, so it wouldn’t be accurate to share HAR files.
I don’t know what happened, we had few days where production sites were very slow, but now everything is back to normal.

I will keep an eye on it, and think about recording HAR if the problem occurs again, and let you know if it’s the case.

Thank you

(I wrote this response previously but it seems I forgot to hit reply)

This is the expected behavior due to:

Hi @nathanmartin

Thanks for your answer !
Oh right then, never noticed that before !
Got backups in my side anyway, not a problem :slight_smile:

have a good day!