(Very) slow loading of some js: TTBF / download / revalidation

I’ve multiple setups on AWS, cloudflare and Netlify (same repo) and have also recently moved in a bunch of sites to Netlify pro plan. The same setup is really fast on CF pages (<1s load), but I’ve been noticing lots of issues on Netlify (~4s load) which is completely degrading the user experience.

  1. (Very) slow response times for some resources across various sites. Normal resources take between 200 and 800ms, while problem resources take between 1.5 seconds and 30+s.

Various request IDs:

  • x-nf-request-id: 01FGS0516X9ET3N54ZJ3H2B355
  • x-nf-request-id: 01FGEPECPK4ZX3FJGNTJXVJKXB
  • x-nf-request-id: 01FG8XNS2GT78ST6C4V2AV718C
  • x-nf-request-id: 01FG7BW6ECBQK5HPJ5JJVR37ME
  • x-nf-request-id: 01FFATXCGN5W5646Y40CQ86CK3
  • x-nf-request-id: 01FF7ZSVDACX3VM7MKMW5YRWH0
  • x-nf-request-id: 01FGS09E71K5WM89SD7MSC0BW6
  1. Even if there is an occasional hit on some resources for 1st time load, why is it taking multiple seconds for revalidation. I can reload the same site after 1 min, and again it will take 4s for revalidation. Thats nuts.

  1. Cache control setting of max-age=0 - this makes no sense at all on static resources. Why needlessly force the browser to check on these on every load?

  2. Some sites have a initial js bundle loading from cloudfront (with max-age set as expected: max-age=31556926), most of my sites don’t. And after the first bundle, all the rest come from Netlify. So is there a CDN even being used?

In most cases, we say 400 to 800 ms could be considered normal for assets on Netlify, but 1.5 or 30+ seconds? That’s a lot! I have personally never seen this happen and would love to dig deeper on this. Do you have the URLs that give such an error? I checked the request IDs that you sent, but a lot of those IDs return no matches in our logs - this would happen if the request failed prematurely. Did something like that happen?

I could see values in 150 to 600ms as TTFB for your websites.

I would like to explain here how our CDN works and how the fingerprinting of assets is a bad practice. Netlify relies on file names and their hash to determine the cache. When you fingerprint an asset, it doesn’t just invalidate that file, but all the others that reference to that file because the other files now need to include a new name. So for each of the CDN node, this new file now has to be requested from the origin server and then it’s saved to the CDN cache. Thus, we always advise against fingerprinting.

The reasoning for this is explained here: Better Living Through Caching

Cloudfront !== CDN. Cloudfront is where we store the assets optimised by post processing. With or without Cloudfront, Netlify is using a CDN as long as the DNS is correctly setup.

I checked the request IDs that you sent, but a lot of those IDs return no matches in our logs - this would happen if the request failed prematurely. Did something like that happen?

How is that possible? I have the HARs for all of these. The request doesnt fail - it just takes a lot of time, but succeeds.

I would like to explain here how our CDN works and how the fingerprinting of assets is a bad practice.

No sure why you brought up fingerprinting etc into this. Its revalidation as done by Netlify. Nothing that I am doing.

The reasoning for this is explained here: Better Living Through Caching | Netlify

Be that as it may be, the fact that its taking so long makes it a problem.

This is a serious problem that is happening across all the sites intermittently and now I have customers complaining. I’d really like to get a solution.

I can see it happening here and there myself. Here’s the latest instance on maincross.net.

You can see the spikes here.

x-nf-request-ids for the last 5 in order

  3. 01FMGACA1CMX23A1C23M11C6R2

Thanks for those request ID’s, very much what we needed. I’ve asked our team to look into this for us since those requests do not seem otherwise problematic in our internal logs, but the timing does line up with what you’re seeing in your dev tools, so this is not the frequently observed case of “we sent quickly, but it arrived slowly”. I imagine they’ll be able to look into this for us late this week and we’ll follow up once they do!

Thank you!

Hit another one just now. Its just nuts, just a sudden spike. This one is on https://community.intrapreneurshipconclave.com/


x-nf-request-id: 01FMJK5FWD8K6TKA0FTC110QYT

More happening:

x-nf-request-id: 01FMMBHPVWYRDHNS0T3880ENE9


Hey there, @zehawki :wave:

Thanks so much for following up with additional information. We have opened an issue with the relevant internal team to look into this further. We will follow up on this thread when we have more insights.

If anything changes in the interim, please let us know!

@hillary Please let me know if I should continue updating this thread with more request IDs to help debug, or should I stop.

Another sudden spike:

x-nf-request-id: 01FMVV1GK1A9GDNQBP6GSPDT5V

We could use one more examples, if you come upon it now! Team is still working on a resolution of this situation for us. They’re not too sure of the root cause so have thus far added logging (since your last post) and it would be helpful to get one more for them to check into.

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Hot off the presses :wink:


x-nf-request-id: 01FNBY7APCWPDD0YG9SA89XXVT

(on https://community.greenlitfest.com/)

thank you, @zehawki - i have passed this info back to the team who are working on investigating this. It is still being looked at, and we will definitely give you an update as soon as we have news to share. thank you for your patience!

hi there @zehawki - we were able to make some small changes that you might see making some improvement, but we are also planning a more long-term remediation (updating some much more central underlying dependencies) that should hopefully fix things for good.

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Hi @perry, thanks a lot for the update. I havent been seeing this myself in a while - so I think certainly something has changed for the better.

I spoke too soon. Things are far far worse today than ever. Sites are not loading and taking 1+ MINUTE to load bundles.





hey there zehawki, i’m sorry the sites seem to be loading so slowly. we will look into this further as soon as we can. i have passed the info you supplied back to the team.

Documenting more cases as they are happening:

x-nf-request-id: 01FT6877V3SQMMQ868N6WMRZ4A

And then suddenly:

Hey @zehawki and thanks for your patience while we worked on this! I believe that we have (this week, since your last post) resolved the slow static asset loading situation - what I think you show in all screenshots except for your very last one. Please let us know if that slow load - 6+ seconds on a static file - recurs!

Your last screenshot seems to be something different - you don’t show the status, but since the assets are named in red, I expect it was some kind of HTTP error (400+ return status). That would almost certainly be a separate issue (issue we resolved:
slow but successful loads in the 6-8 second range), which we are of course happy to work with you on but do need to know either a request ID, or at least a timestamp with timezone, complete URL, and status, to dig in more deeply on those.


or at least a timestamp with timezone, complete URL, and status, to dig in more deeply on those.

Oops terribly sorry about that. Will provide that next time.

In the meanwhile, the earlier issue continues, hit multiple times today again (but nevertheless sporadic as earlier):

x-nf-request-id: 01FVAHA7D3HYGR0SMGB6935XB4

Thanks, I can see that in our internal logs with the same timing, and don’t understand what led it to be so slow, so I’ve asked our dev team to look into this presumably new-cause situation for us and will follow up as soon as I get some details!

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Documenting more cases as they arise:

x-nf-request-id: 01FVJ2H7W68XMTDDR2SGHKEPWP