we are currently running on Vercel and are evaluating a switch to Netlify.
Our site is based on Next.js (latest stable version v12.1.0), it uses Middleware and is using ISR. This last one means pages are server-side rendered and served statically until the revalidate timer has passed. In our case, this is 10 minutes (revalidate = 600).
This can be viewed in this page Charity | Edgard & Cooper and requesting the response header x-vercel-cache. It is either “STALE” (meaning: it will be re-generated now) or “HIT” (meaning: served from cache, as static page).
After deploying the same deployed codebase to Netlify and accessing the same page (https://store-www.netlify.app/en/charity), the response header says: x-render-mode: ssr
I would have expected x-render-mode: isr
But this might be due to the fact we use Middleware.
I am looking for more information on the impact of Middleware and ISR (vs SSR).
More importantly, and that’s what we are investigating as the most important element: we experience much slower page serving (page renders) as on Vercel. We like to learn more on the differences and more importantly: what are our options to improve the page render speed?
Turning of the Middleware is no option, I’m afraid. We need it to validate geographic regions of the visitor.