V17.29.0 is breaking .circleci netlify deploy

“netlify-cli”: “^17.29.0”,
@netlify/build”: “^29.17.3”,


name: Publish review site
command: | command: |
cp projects/documentation/content/favicon.ico test/visual cp projects/documentation/content/favicon.ico test/visual
cd test/visual
branch=$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD) branch=$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)
hash=$(echo -n $branch-<< parameters.regression_theme >>-<< parameters.regression_color >>-<< parameters.regression_scale >>-<< parameters.regression_dir >> | md5sum | cut -c 1-32) hash=$(echo -n $branch-<< parameters.regression_theme >>-<< parameters.regression_color >>-<< parameters.regression_scale >>-<< parameters.regression_dir >> | md5sum | cut -c 1-32)
echo hash echo $hash
yarn netlify deploy --alias=$hash --dir=test/visual echo “Current directory is: $(pwd)”
yarn netlify deploy --alias=$hash

command: |
cp projects/documentation/content/favicon.ico test/visual cp projects/documentation/content/favicon.ico test/visual
cd test/visual
branch=$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD) branch=$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)
hash=$(echo -n $branch-hcm | md5sum | cut -c 1-32) hash=$(echo -n $branch-hcm | md5sum | cut -c 1-32)
echo hash echo $hash
yarn netlify deploy --alias=$hash --dir=test/visual echo “Current directory is: $(pwd)”
yarn netlify deploy --alias=$hash

These two fails with the below error only when i upgrade to v17. It works fine with v15

v16 brought in some changes related to monorepo handling and it seems that’s something that could be affecting you. The only way to check what could be happening is if you can share your repo.

Hi @hrishikesh This is the PR

This is the config file for the circle ci job.

You indeed have a lot of packages in there. The key is to use the --filter flag to point to the correct site to build. Something like what’s mentioned here: Recommended configuration for monorepo - #4 by hrishikesh

The flow would looks something like: run netlify deploy from the root of the repo (don’t cd to any folder to deploy it) and specify the --filter flag as --filter=<package-name>.

Does that work for you?