[Netlify-cli] Netlify deploy throwing `We've detected multiple sites inside your repository` even after passing netlify_site_id param in CircleCI job

I am trying to add a CircleCI integration to my simple website. While trying to add automation for a preview link in the CI job, after running netlify deploy --site "${NETLIFY_SITE_ID}" --context deploy-preview I am seeing this prompt in the CI workflow.

We've detected multiple sites inside your repository
? Select the site you want to work with (Use arrow keys or type to search)
❯ @abc/vuepress-plugin-active-header-links  packages/@abc/vuepress-plugin-acti
ve-header-links  --filter @abc/vuepress-plugin-active-header-links 
  @abc/vuepress-site  packages/@abc/vuepress-site  --filter @abc/vuepress-sit
  @abc/vuepress-theme-prose  packages/@abc/vuepress-theme-prose  --filter @abc/vuepress-theme-prose ? Select the site you want to work with 
❯ @abc/vuepress-plugin-active-header-links  packages/@abc/vuepress-plugin-acti
ve-header-links  --filter @abc/vuepress-plugin-active-header-links 
  @abc/vuepress-site  packages/@abc/vuepress-site  --filter @abc/vuepress-site 
  @abc/vuepress-theme-prose  packages/@abc/vuepress-theme-prose  --filter @abc/vuepress-theme-prose ? Select the site you want to work with 
  Searching...? Select the site you want to work with 
  Searching...? Select the site you want to work with 
  Searching...? Select the site you want to work with

Obviously, I cannot select any option in the CI workflow. So I need to select the site beforehand. That’s why I supplied --site option in the command above.
The project has 3 separate packages as shown above and I want to deploy only vuepress-site. I copied the NETLIFY_SITE_ID for vuepress-site and used it in the CI workflow.
I can confirm that NETLIFY_SITE_ID exists in the env variable and is accessible. I also have NETLIFY_AUTH_TOKEN in my CI environment variable.

I have also tried multiple things like running the above command as netlify deploy --dir packages/@abc/vuepress-site/dist --context deploy-preview and also netlify deploy --site packages/@abc/vuepress-site --context deploy-preview but to no avail. :frowning:

What am I missing here?

I was able to make it work. Had to modify the command to -
netlify deploy --filter @abc/vuepress-site :man_facepalming:

thanks for writing back in and sharing your solution with the community!