We have built our website using ISR approach on Nuxt, and we’re handing our errors with a “error.vue” page on our application root folder. This approach isn’t catching the 10 seconds timeout error that sometime is triggered on SSR, and that we’re debugging.
We’ve already tried adding redirects on netlify.toml:
from = “/"
to = “/error”
status = 500
from = "/”
to = “/error”
status = 501
from = “/"
to = “/error”
status = 502
from = "/”
to = “/error”
status = 503
and putting an hook on vue:error:
nuxtApp.hook(“vue:error”, (…_args) => {
Neither of the two is catching the timeout error.
Is there some documentation on how to customize the timeout error page or, even better, how to handle a timeout error in our application?