Updates in Contentful are not reflected in Gatsby

My current stack is Contentful as CMS, Gatsby which is hosted on Netlify.

My current stack is Contentful as CMS, Gatsby which is hosted on Netlify.
The current issue is that in some time (not always) when creating new pages in Contentful it’s not reflected in Gatsby.
In gatsby-node we are iterating over the pages we have in Contentful and use createPage API to create a new web page for it.
When creating new web pages, we can’t see that this page got created in Gatsby until we delete of the cache and trigger a new build.

A cache that always needs to be cleared is not a very helpful cache.

For our current environment.
We currently have the netlify-plugin-gatsby-cache installed in our Netlify env.
We also enabled the incremental build in Netlify using this command

Hi Marc,

I’m a bit puzzled by this - especially the fact that it sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t. Have you been able to detect a pattern?

Does the error occur when you are building locally? Or only with the deployed site?

How up to date is your version of gatsby? I am wondering if this is maybe part of the problem.