I have try all solutions possible online like setting homepage to “homepage” : “.” in package.json, setting base in index.html with , and other solutions on SO and online as a whole. I am currently on react version 17.0.2 and react-scripts 4.0.3.
Everything I have tried seems to still not fix this issue. What could be the problem and How could I solve this. Thanks
You mean, you replaced your domain name with localhost while posting? if yes, did you also add :3000 yourself?
I’m not sure. I just assumed a Devtools script should probably not exist in a production build. So, it might be a development build. But yes, your NODE_ENV should always be set to production while building on Netlify.
If following those suggestions doesn’t work, please share your Netlify site name and any further information you can share publicly so that we can look into it further. Without further details it will be hard for our team to continue digging. Thanks for understanding!
So @coelmay@hillary and all, I was able to fix this using a service worker. I installed a service worker on the browser that caches all my files and then updates the stored files if It sees any changes using the code below
Thanks for coming back and following up on this thread. It is great to hear you found a solution that worked! Knowledge sharing is one of the things that makes the Netlify Forums a great place to collaborate, and I know that your solution will be useful to other folks who encounter a similar situation.