Unable to renew SSL certificate

We recently found our site (orientation.sutd.edu.sg) inaccessible due to a NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID error. Upon further investigation we found out that our SSL certificate for the site has expired. When we attempted to renew the SSL certificate, we received a message stating that our site doesn’t appear to be served by Netlify. We ran the URL through an online checker and were unable to find the line that says “server: Netlify”, instead we got a “Connection timed out” message. We have also attempted to remove and re-add the custom domain to our site but the same error messages persist.

We really need this site to be up and running by today so we kindly seek your immediate assistance on this issue. Thank you in advance.

P.S. I am posting this on behalf of my colleague who is in charge of running the site.

Hey @LimJH272

The issue here is that orientation.sutd.edu.sg isn’t configured correctly. As per the Configure external DNS > Configure a subdomain the required setup is a CNAME Record with the value of your Netlify site URL. E.g. awesome-example-site.netlify.app.

Instead of a CNAME record, I see two A records:

% dig orientation.sutd.edu.sg
orientation.sutd.edu.sg. 50	IN	A
orientation.sutd.edu.sg. 50	IN	A

If you change the configuration per the documentation, you’ll find the SSL certificate will automatically renew.

Thank you @coelmay for your response. I think I know what I need to do next. I appreciate your help!