Unable to remove plugin-angular-universal plugin


Few months back i enabled integration angular-universal-build-plugin from given url. recently i migrated from angular16 to angular 17 and when i am trying to build its getting failed because of angular-universal-build-plugin.

Deploy Logs after migration from angular16 to angular 17

10:53:40 AM: Netlify Build                                                 
10:53:40 AM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
10:53:40 AM: ​
10:53:40 AM: ❯ Version
10:53:40 AM:   @netlify/build 29.36.3
10:53:40 AM: ​
10:53:40 AM: ❯ Flags
10:53:40 AM:   baseRelDir: true
10:53:40 AM:   buildId: 65f289b90bcbb10008d2bf0e
10:53:40 AM:   deployId: 65f289b90bcbb10008d2bf10
10:53:40 AM: ​
10:53:40 AM: ❯ Current directory
10:53:40 AM:   /opt/build/repo
10:53:40 AM: ​
10:53:40 AM: ❯ Config file
10:53:40 AM:   /opt/build/repo/netlify.toml
10:53:40 AM: ​
10:53:40 AM: ❯ Context
10:53:40 AM:   production
10:53:40 AM: ​
10:53:40 AM: ❯ Installing plugins
10:53:40 AM:    - @netlify/plugin-angular-universal@1.0.1
10:53:45 AM: ​
10:53:45 AM: ❯ Loading plugins
10:53:45 AM:    - @netlify/plugin-angular-universal@1.0.1 from Netlify app
10:53:45 AM:    - @netlify/plugin-lighthouse@6.0.0 from Netlify app
10:53:45 AM:    - @netlify/angular-runtime@2.0.6 from netlify.toml and package.json
10:53:46 AM: ​
10:53:46 AM: @netlify/plugin-angular-universal (onPreBuild event)          
10:53:46 AM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
10:53:46 AM: ​
10:53:46 AM: FYI: You seem to be using a custom build script. Please make sure your script includes: ng build --configuration production && ng run airdroppad:serverless:production.
10:53:46 AM: ​
10:53:46 AM: (@netlify/plugin-angular-universal onPreBuild completed in 10ms)
10:53:46 AM: ​
10:53:46 AM: @netlify/angular-runtime (onPreBuild event)                   
10:53:46 AM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
10:53:46 AM: ​
10:53:46 AM: ​
10:53:46 AM: (@netlify/angular-runtime onPreBuild completed in 8ms)
10:53:46 AM: ​
10:53:46 AM: build.command from netlify.toml                               
10:53:46 AM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
10:53:46 AM: ​
10:53:46 AM: $ npm run build
10:53:46 AM: > airdroppad@0.0.0 build
10:53:46 AM: > ng build
10:53:47 AM: Workspace extension with invalid name (defaultProject) found.
10:53:47 AM: - Building...
10:54:15 AM: Browser bundles
10:54:15 AM: Initial chunk files     | Names               |  Raw size | Estimated transfer size
10:54:15 AM: chunk-GURDAKQK.js       | -                   |   1.58 MB |               307.48 kB
10:54:15 AM: styles-QXFIZAFD.css     | styles              | 821.63 kB |                64.74 kB
10:54:15 AM: main-UBJ4YVCM.js        | main                | 302.38 kB |                68.79 kB
10:54:15 AM: scripts-KFSOFON6.js     | scripts             | 279.34 kB |                71.03 kB
10:54:15 AM: polyfills-BJX5WH5B.js   | polyfills           |  34.37 kB |                11.21 kB
10:54:15 AM: chunk-VH7USTTD.js       | -                   |   5.37 kB |                 2.16 kB
10:54:15 AM: chunk-P4FKFBKP.js       | -                   |   2.37 kB |               924 bytes
10:54:15 AM: chunk-E5U3H25K.js       | -                   | 722 bytes |               722 bytes
10:54:15 AM:                         | Initial total       |   2.99 MB |               527.03 kB
10:54:15 AM: Lazy chunk files        | Names               |  Raw size | Estimated transfer size
10:54:15 AM: chunk-CJ6S3GUO.js       | dashboard-module    | 578.94 kB |                94.39 kB
10:54:15 AM: chunk-AHZPBTJ4.js       | auth-module         | 419.50 kB |               127.70 kB
10:54:15 AM: chunk-XJO3DQFW.js       | landing-module      | 140.35 kB |                24.28 kB
10:54:15 AM: chunk-JQ6S3Z5L.js       | no-head-module      |  19.43 kB |                 5.22 kB
10:54:15 AM: chunk-KR6YVAMN.js       | faq-module          |  17.89 kB |                 5.29 kB
10:54:15 AM: chunk-X6ZHWL2S.js       | -                   |  10.91 kB |                 3.13 kB
10:54:15 AM: chunk-45RKVCWA.js       | -                   |   2.66 kB |               918 bytes
10:54:15 AM: chunk-S346P62U.js       | -                   | 494 bytes |               494 bytes
10:54:15 AM: Server bundles
10:54:15 AM: Initial chunk files     | Names               |  Raw size
10:54:15 AM: chunk-FW4N3BYD.mjs      | -                   |   1.35 MB | 
10:54:15 AM: server.mjs              | server              |   1.08 MB | 
10:54:15 AM: chunk-VLKPGHJO.mjs      | -                   | 296.22 kB | 
10:54:15 AM: polyfills.server.mjs    | polyfills.server    | 262.93 kB | 
10:54:15 AM: chunk-KLN4KM4T.mjs      | -                   | 249.24 kB | 
10:54:15 AM: chunk-RA3KNJJO.mjs      | -                   |  71.12 kB | 
10:54:15 AM: chunk-XJ6DZAGD.mjs      | -                   |   5.44 kB | 
10:54:15 AM: chunk-EZ6RW67L.mjs      | -                   |   2.40 kB | 
10:54:15 AM: chunk-UQQY2DYU.mjs      | -                   |   1.64 kB | 
10:54:15 AM: chunk-C4ZAJBE2.mjs      | -                   | 792 bytes | 
10:54:15 AM: main.server.mjs         | main.server         | 294 bytes | 
10:54:15 AM: render-utils.server.mjs | render-utils.server | 254 bytes | 
10:54:15 AM: Lazy chunk files        | Names               |  Raw size
10:54:15 AM: chunk-WKUJL5D5.mjs      | dashboard-module    | 579.04 kB | 
10:54:15 AM: chunk-OH2DF6LE.mjs      | auth-module         | 523.48 kB | 
10:54:15 AM: chunk-TN7YPEOT.mjs      | landing-module      | 140.45 kB | 
10:54:15 AM: chunk-PAPMBWUD.mjs      | no-head-module      |  19.52 kB | 
10:54:15 AM: chunk-WMPITBSN.mjs      | faq-module          |  17.99 kB | 
10:54:15 AM: chunk-WJYYDL5X.mjs      | xhr2                |  11.80 kB | 
10:54:15 AM: chunk-662NN2Z2.mjs      | -                   |  10.99 kB | 
10:54:15 AM: chunk-WM24H53W.mjs      | -                   |   2.73 kB | 
10:54:15 AM: chunk-NEWK7LEN.mjs      | -                   | 530 bytes | 
10:54:15 AM: Output location: /opt/build/repo/dist/airdroppad
10:54:15 AM: Application bundle generation complete. [28.488 seconds]
10:54:15 AM: ▲ [WARNING] src/app/modules/dashboard/advertisements/add-advertisement/add-advertisement.component.css exceeded maximum budget. Budget 3.00 kB was not met by 149 bytes with a total of 3.15 kB.
10:54:15 AM: 
10:54:15 AM: 
10:54:15 AM: ▲ [WARNING] src/app/modules/dashboard/tokens/token-promotion/token-promotion.component.css exceeded maximum budget. Budget 3.00 kB was not met by 128 bytes with a total of 3.13 kB.
10:54:15 AM: 
10:54:15 AM: 
10:54:15 AM: ▲ [WARNING] src/app/modules/landing/home/home.component.css exceeded maximum budget. Budget 3.00 kB was not met by 620 bytes with a total of 3.61 kB.
10:54:15 AM: 
10:54:15 AM: 
10:54:15 AM: ▲ [WARNING] src/app/modules/landing/token-details/token-details.component.css exceeded maximum budget. Budget 3.00 kB was not met by 3.72 kB with a total of 6.72 kB.
10:54:15 AM: 
10:54:15 AM: 
10:54:15 AM: ▲ [WARNING] Module "quill" used by "node_modules/primeng/fesm2022/primeng-editor.mjs" is not ESM
10:54:15 AM: 
10:54:15 AM:   CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts.
10:54:15 AM:   For more information see: https://angular.io/guide/build#configuring-commonjs-dependencies
10:54:15 AM: 
10:54:15 AM: 
10:54:15 AM: ▲ [WARNING] Module "ethereum-blockies-base64" used by "src/app/services/ethereum-avatar.service.ts" is not ESM
10:54:15 AM: 
10:54:15 AM:   CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts.
10:54:15 AM:   For more information see: https://angular.io/guide/build#configuring-commonjs-dependencies
10:54:15 AM: 
10:54:15 AM: 
10:54:15 AM: ▲ [WARNING] 3 rules skipped due to selector errors:
10:54:15 AM:   swiper-container::part(pagination) -> Pseudo-elements are not supported by css-select
10:54:15 AM:   .form-floating>~label -> Did not expect successive traversals.
10:54:15 AM:   .form-floating>~label -> Did not expect successive traversals.
10:54:15 AM: 
10:54:15 AM: 
10:54:15 AM: ​
10:54:15 AM: (build.command completed in 29.3s)
10:54:15 AM: ​
10:54:15 AM: @netlify/plugin-angular-universal (onBuild event)             
10:54:15 AM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
10:54:15 AM: ​
10:54:16 AM: Failed during stage "building site": Build script returned non-zero exit code: 2
10:54:16 AM: ​
10:54:16 AM: (@netlify/plugin-angular-universal onBuild completed in 62ms)
10:54:16 AM: ​
10:54:16 AM: @netlify/angular-runtime (onBuild event)                      
10:54:16 AM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
10:54:16 AM: ​
10:54:16 AM: Writing Angular SSR Edge Function ...
10:54:16 AM: ​
10:54:16 AM: (@netlify/angular-runtime onBuild completed in 10ms)
10:54:16 AM: ​
10:54:16 AM: Functions bundling                                            
10:54:16 AM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
10:54:16 AM: ​
10:54:16 AM: Packaging Functions from .netlify/functions-internal directory:
10:54:16 AM:  - angular-builder.js
10:54:16 AM: ​
10:54:16 AM: ✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "../../dist/airdroppad/serverless/main"
10:54:16 AM:     .netlify/functions-internal/angular-builder.js:3:27:
10:54:16 AM:       3 │ const { render } = require("../../dist/airdroppad/serverless/main")
10:54:16 AM:         ╵                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
10:54:16 AM: ​
10:54:16 AM: Dependencies installation error                               
10:54:16 AM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
10:54:16 AM: ​
10:54:16 AM:   Error message
10:54:16 AM:   A Netlify Function failed to require one of its dependencies.
10:54:16 AM:   Please make sure it is present in the site"s top-level "package.json".
10:54:16 AM:   Build failed with 1 error:
10:54:16 AM:   .netlify/functions-internal/angular-builder.js:3:27: ERROR: Could not resolve "../../dist/airdroppad/serverless/main"
10:54:16 AM: ​
10:54:16 AM:   Resolved config
10:54:16 AM:   build:
10:54:16 AM:     command: npm run build
10:54:16 AM:     commandOrigin: config
10:54:16 AM:     environment:
10:54:16 AM:       - CI
10:54:16 AM:       - NPM_FLAGS
10:54:16 AM:     publish: /opt/build/repo/dist/airdroppad/browser
10:54:16 AM:     publishOrigin: config
10:54:16 AM:   functions:
10:54:16 AM:     "*":
10:54:16 AM:       included_files:
10:54:16 AM:         - dist/airdroppad/browser/index.html
10:54:16 AM:         - dist/airdroppad/browser/styles.css
10:54:16 AM:         - dist/airdroppad/browser/styles.css
10:54:16 AM:         - dist/airdroppad/browser/custom-theme.scss
10:54:16 AM:         - dist/airdroppad/browser/./node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css
10:54:16 AM:         - dist/airdroppad/browser/node_modules/primeng/resources/themes/lara-dark-teal/theme.css
10:54:16 AM:         - dist/airdroppad/browser/node_modules/primeng/resources/primeng.min.css
10:54:16 AM:         - dist/airdroppad/browser/node_modules/primeicons/primeicons.css
10:54:16 AM:         - dist/airdroppad/browser/node_modules/primeflex/primeflex.css
10:54:16 AM:       node_bundler: esbuild
10:54:16 AM:   plugins:
10:54:16 AM:     - inputs: {}
10:54:16 AM:       origin: ui
10:54:16 AM:       package: "@netlify/plugin-angular-universal"
10:54:16 AM:     - inputs: {}
10:54:16 AM:       origin: ui
10:54:16 AM:       package: "@netlify/plugin-lighthouse"
10:54:16 AM:     - inputs: {}
10:54:16 AM:       origin: config
10:54:16 AM:       package: "@netlify/angular-runtime"
10:54:16 AM:   redirects:
10:54:16 AM:     - from: /*
      status: 200
      to: /index.html
    - from: /*
      status: 200
      to: /.netlify/functions/angular-builder
  redirectsOrigin: inline
10:54:16 AM: Build failed due to a user error: Build script returned non-zero exit code: 2
10:54:16 AM: Failing build: Failed to build site
10:54:17 AM: Finished processing build request in 1m1.815s


  command = "npm run build"
  publish = "dist/airdroppad/browser"


  from = "/*"
  to = "/index.html"
  status = 200

plugin-angular-universal plugin is not added in package.json as well. it was directly enabled from given link.

i tried to replicate this same repository and build was successful because @netlify/plugin-angular-universal@1.0.1 plugin was not installed, so how can i remove angular-universal-build-plugin plugin

Please help, I am still facing this issue

Hey there,

I was able to reproduce this issue with not being able to remove the angular universal plugin once installed, and will open up a bug for this behaviour. In the meantime we’ve removed the plugin from your site manually. Once you redeploy it should be removed.

Thank you, now i am able to deploy the build.

Is there a bug with the angular universal plugin ?
I am not able to remove it from any of my projects too.

There is no direct way to remove the plugin, team from netlify can only remove it, it seems.

1 Like

Hey @InSomniaMoon

Apologies for the inconvenience here! We do have an internal bug open for this behaviour. In the meantime we should be able to remove the plugin on our side. Could you provide the Site URL that the integration is deployed on?

Thanks in advance!

Hey @Andrew.H !
Thank you for your reponse. there are plenty of impacted urls :

  • portfoliophotodev
  • portfoliophoto
  • serene-granita-084135

Thank you a lot

Hey @InSomniaMoon we’ve removed the plugin from those 3 sites, let us know if you’re still having issues here.

Hi Andrew,

I am unable to remove the netlify plugin for angular universal as well. The site is cardboard warriors.

Please share the exact name or the ID.

Here is the site id: ca5b24a0-1f64-466d-a244-e20da8394bd0

Removed it for your site!

1 Like

Hello, I also need to remove the netlify plugin @netlify/plugin-angular-universal
My site id is : ec2f9174-6cff-4138-acc5-7b27803049e2

Thanks in advance !

Hello, I’ve asked for help 10 days ago with no response expect closing my duplicate thread, what is the correct way to get help on this issue ? I would just need to remove the netlify plugin angular universal from my website ec2f9174-6cff-4138-acc5-7b27803049e2

The plugin should be removed.