I have created and app in bolt and enabled forms for site in netlify, but have not found a way to redeploy once forms are enabled to actually enable . When I make a change, Bolt.new keeps putting in a new site/app. Is there a way to redeploy in netlify?
app: https://bizhelper.netlify.app
Site name: bizhelper
Owner: david-duvall007’s team
Site ID: a9acfded-3921-4dbe-88cd-ed795f290a0a
There are quite a few ways, but I’m not familiar with ‘bolt’ and you may be encountering a limitation of how bolt is creating the site within Netlify.
If it’s using a repository, you could try this:
Thank you. Bolt.new is very powerful AI coder, it deploys directly to Netlify. Unfortunately, it always does it as a new app. I was hoping there was a setting that I was missing in Netlify. I don’t see another way but to put the files in GitHub and deploy from there.
@David_DuVall Fair enough, it sounds like bolt could be a little smarter about how it does things.
Here’s the documentation for various ways of creating deploys on Netlify:
Even with the most basic one, using “Drag & Drop”, it’s possible to update the site: