Trying to reach support for

Hello everyone,

I would like to add my token to my site avoteca.
I try to contact support but because my profile is free plan for the moment they redirected me to this forum

what shoud I do?

Thanks for your help.

@briardg Welcome to the Netlify forum.

Your best approach is to make certain that you post any and all information that the support personnel will need to address your issue, not counting anything that should be kept private. For private information, they will contact you outside of the forum.

There is enough info in this post for them to help me but didn’t get any message yet.
how long can it take for someone to see and help me with this?

Thanks for your message @gregraven

It varies, but I imagine it can take longer when you make them look up information you could easily give them up front to make their job easier.

Hi @briardg! Welcome to netlify community.

Unfortunately, enabling is a paid-only feature. If you are still eager to adopt this service, please upgrade your account to our Pro plan, in which case you’ll also be able to get help at our helpdesk. Netlify Pricing and Plans