My site located at is set up now to use Netlify DNS, but isn’t working properly. I can connect to the page, but no SSL certificate is able to be generated for it. I have multiple other subdomains for that I am trying to set up as separate websites for different uses on Netlify, but do not yet have a site for itself set up.
I am using Google Cloud DNS and have my NS record pointed correctly toward the Netlify name servers at p01.
I successfully was able to provision a certificate for a week or two ago, but the other site mentioned and all other subdomains now refuse to issue certificates. The CNAME records for all the subdomains are pointing toward the appropriate auto-generated URLs on their respective Netlify site areas. I have even set the A record to point toward Netlify’s address of, but to no avail.
The error message I get when trying to provision the HTTPS TLS certificate for therapy2000 is only: " We could not provision a Let’s Encrypt certificate for your custom domain.
Please read our troubleshooting guide for some tips on what might be happening."
Will Let’s Encrypt not allow me to provision multiple TLS certificates to different subdomains of the same root domain? I currently have been manually deploying the sites, so should I instead use a git repo and create branch subdomains?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!