SvelteKit - Data loading timeout issue


my app ( is built with SvelteKit. It loads some data from an api when the app starts up, a series of json tables, it loads them into indexedDB locally. some of the tables are about 80-100mb in size.

Locally(development) there is no problem, all the data loads pretty quickly.

on netlify however, the smaller tables load without issues but the larger ones don’t, which leads me to believe here is a timeout of some sort happening.

I can work around this by chunking up the data but the performance hit is unacceptable!

Is this a common problem, I’ve read numerous posts about timeouts but I don’t see anywhere to set a value to extend the timeout, or is this a drawback of using the free tier?

The timeout is 30 seconds which is the max. If you cannot work within 30 seconds, I’m afraid there’s not much you can do here.

30 seconds?

locally all the data loads in less than 10 seconds!

Is your database blocking connections?

thanks for sticking with me.

my app has no remote database, as I said I’m using indexedDB locally to store this specific data. I do an api call when the app loads to see if the indexedDB is loaded or if the data is outdated, then load the data.

I timed it… locally(in development) this all takes less 5 seconds! … on netlify I get a 502 within 12.5 seconds.

Not sure what more I can suggest - something in your app is taking too long, we can’t tell you what that is, but you can likely find it: [Support Guide] Why is my function taking long or timing out?