I have not pushed to production for a couple of months, previously everything was working with my site alexcodes.co.uk.
I made some changes and pushed today. I ran a build on my local machine and everything worked fine, however when netlify tried to build, I encountered the following errors:
9:19:44 AM: > Using @sveltejs/adapter-netlify
9:19:44 AM: > .svelte-kit/netlify/entry.js:3:36: error: Could not resolve "@sveltejs/kit/adapter-utils" (mark it as external to exclude it from the bundle)
9:19:44 AM: 3 ā ...TypeBinary } from '@sveltejs/kit/adapter-utils'; // eslint-disabl...
9:19:44 AM: āµ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
9:19:44 AM: node_modules/@sveltejs/kit/package.json:75:13: note: The path "./adapter-utils" is not exported by package "@sveltejs/kit"
9:19:44 AM: 75 ā "exports": {
9:19:44 AM: āµ ^
9:19:44 AM: > Build failed with 1 error:
9:19:44 AM: .svelte-kit/netlify/entry.js:3:36: error: Could not resolve "@sveltejs/kit/adapter-utils" (mark it as external to exclude it from the bundle)
9:19:44 AM: Error: Build failed with 1 error:
9:19:44 AM: .svelte-kit/netlify/entry.js:3:36: error: Could not resolve "@sveltejs/kit/adapter-utils" (mark it as external to exclude it from the bundle)
Iām not sure what the issue could be here?