[Support Guide] Can I host my site on Netlify but keep my DNS at my domain registrar?

Hi @laura,

I have nearly similar issue, except I only want to use one specific subdomain. I have mycustomdomain.com on Hostgator, which also contains a Hostgator-hosted site at root. I would like to use subdomain.mycustomdomain.com for my Netlify site. Is that at all possible?

These are what I have done:

  1. Go ahead and log in to your Netlify account, and add the name of the awesome domain you own to your site.

:white_check_mark: I have added subdomain.mycustomdomain.com to my Netlify site in Site Settings → Domain Management. It’s not listed as my “Primary Domain”.

  1. Pull up the website for your domain registrar, aka the place where you bought your domain. You’ll want to navigate to your DNS records section and create these two records there […]

:white_check_mark: I have only added the CNAME record as follows:

Name: subdomain.mycustomdomain.com
TTL: 3600
CNAME: netlifysubdomain.netlify.com

  1. Finally, go back to Netlify because you’ll want check to make sure there is no DNS zone on your site.

I don’t use Netlify DNS so there is nothing else I should do here, correct?

When I open subdomain[.]mycustomdomain[.]com, it goes to Hostgator’s 404 page. Anything else I should add/remove/replace in the DNS records? If I also changed the A record in my Hostgator DNS, wouldn’t it affect the root path site hosted at Hostgator?

Thanks for your help.