My netlify site name is moonlit-chaja-d2a6d1
. I’m on the starter tier.
My site’s been ticking along quite happily with almost no visitors (which is exactly what I want) for several months.
On Nov 14th, I suddenly started getting about 3Gb of traffic a day (sometimes more, sometimes less). Nothing is showing up in my on-site analytics (umami).
I spent $9 to get the netlify analytics bolt-on, expecting I’d get logs. Or at least complete server-side analytics.
So I now know it’s mostly direct traffic, it’s mostly from the US, and my peak day was 3537 page views, 908 uniques, 4.4Gb. I find it hard to believe this is real traffic, unless uBlock-Origin penetration has hit 99.9%.
So my questions are:
(a) The $9 analytics bolt-on - it shows me the 15 most popular pages, the 15 most popular 404s, and an aggregate bandwidth usage for the day. Is that it? Am I missing something? It’s not even showing me requests for static assets (which is where I assume I’m actually burning bandwidth).
(b) What do I have to do to get old-school logs in Common Log Format, or something of similar detail?
(c) Is there a way to troubleshoot this issue that doesn’t involve spending more money?
(d) Is there a way to troubleshoot this issue that does involve spending more money?
Thanks for any advice anyone can give me.
(full disclosure: I just checked and the analytics payment was pro-rata’d, so it’s actually $3.60)