Something strange instead of my domain in oauth Redirect URI

I use nuxt-auth-utils on a site hosted on Netlify with Google Oauth scheme.

Everything worked ok for a month or so, but now Google throws 400: invalid_request error with this info:
redirect_uri=https://proxy.proxy-production.svc.cluster.local:80/api/auth/google flowName=GeneralOAuthFlow

In google console I’ve set authorized redirect URI as

As I understand instead of this proxy-proxy stuff it awaits my domain, right?
Is it auth-utils problem or is it on Netlify side?

Thank you!

same problem here for some sites with cloud functions from yesterday, we have to add proxy.proxy-production.svc.cluster.local:80 to origins allowed… no sense :smiley:

For me explicitly adding redirectUri in nuxtConfig helped with Google Oauth but didn’t help with Yandex oauth on my another site

Have you tried contacting NuxtAuth? I believe that library is the one generating that request.

Actually, seems to be on us: Hostname issue using Nextjs and Nextauth V5

Do you know how that vallue gets added there? Any specific string that the library is looking for?

This should now be resolved, could you let us know if you’re still seeing issues? Thanks!