[solved] Updating subdomain managed by Netlify DNS is 404ing, "something went wrong" but no idea what it is, checked everything

solved, but leaving this up for others to find. see How to change custom domain on Substack · Issue #473 · swyxio/swyxdotio · GitHub for my stream of thought notes lol.

PLEASE help us help you by writing a good post!

we need to know your netlify site name. Example: gifted-antelope-58b104.netlify.app

this isn’t technically a Netlify site… it’s a domain managed by Netlify DNS (swyx.io, where the www. maps to scout-videos-51664) but what I am trying to do is redirect a subdomain (lspace.swyx.io) to my new Substack domain (latent.space) via Redirect.pizza.

  • DNS issues? Tell us the custom domain, tell us the error message! We can’t help if we don’t know your domain.

X-NF-REQUEST-ID is 01GVQ54JJJWJM3PZX6NKNC62E5, but it 404’s for some reason.

Build problems? Link or paste the FULL build log & build settings screenshot

as far as I can tell I configured the thing as requested.

ok i think this is solved… i just needed to delete a bunch of netlify records and wait… How to change custom domain on Substack · Issue #473 · sw-yx/swyxdotio · GitHub

thank you for sharing your solution! This is definitely helpful for other users :+1:t6: