There’s no static files in Next.js 14 and Next.js Runtime v5: After Upgrading from Next.js 14.0 to 14.2 NetlifyCacheHandler.get fails - #5 by hrishikesh
Everything is server-rendered (output is stored in Netlify Blobs to cache and compare for future requests) and it would take long if your page generation logic takes long.
So SSG would work as follows:
- During the build, page would be generated
- It would be moved to Netlify Blobs before deployment
- When the page is requested, it would be handled by the SSR Function
- The generated page would be fetched from Blobs
- Next.js will determine the cache freshness
- Since you’re saying it’s a static file, I assume there’s no revalidation of any sort that’s happening. In this case, the cached file would be served as it is.