Sites down, Awaiting Netlify DNS

Hi, @rbatista191 , @Josephadam, @webdigga, @of-dev (and anyone else here). We are not aware of any changes made at Netlify to cause this and the vast majority of traffic proxying to Netlify via Cloudflare continues to do so without error.

To be clear, 99% of sites proxying to Netlify via Cloudflare continue to work correctly without any 522 status responses. Most sites using Cloudflare to point to Netlify continue to work normally.

What we would recommend here is this:

  • contact Cloudflare technical support about the 522s and, if you want to help everyone else here, report back here with what they say

We at Netlify cannot see what is happening on Cloudflare’s side of this. We see the traffic stopped but we are not the ones blocking it. If we block traffic, we still log the blocked traffic noting it was blocked. That is not happening here. In this case, the logs just stop completely for the sites reported. Nothing hits Netlify at all.

Based on this, the only explanation that seems likely is that something at Cloudflare is the cause and, if so, Cloudflare technical support will be the only people that can find the root cause. No one at Netlify can debug the internals of Cloudflare and that is what is required here.