Site suspended... after two failed `netlify deploy`s?

Hey @salopst!

We’re very sorry for the interruption.
I just re-enabled your site, so anything should be working as expected. If anything seems wrong, please feel free to follow up here.

Heads up:
There is a bug in the toml config that you modified after copying from our docs.

# A redirect rule with many of the supported properties
  from = "/reddit"
  to = ""
  status = 200
  force = true # COMMENT: ensure that we always redirect
    X-From = ""
    X-Fake = "Io lo voglio sapere!"

  query = {id = ":id"}

since TOML does not care about indentation, but behaves more like an ini file with sections, this config means that query is a key in redirects.headers which is not a valid configuration, since header properties need string values.

Have fun building your site at Netlify!