Site is deployed but showing white screen and no errors

I am using netlify for the first time. I am trying to deploy my site. Looks like site is successfully deployed but showing plain white screen. And not showing anything no errors or no site content. Am I missing something?

This is the site link:-

Please help me with this issue

Hi @amanpathak, thanks for the post and welcome.
If possible can you share the repository of the site for me to help with the debugging?

this is the github repo:- GitHub - apktvchannel/youtube-clone: This is a youtube clone project which is using rapid api for fetching data. I am using reactjs for fontend. please check

Hi @amanpathak, thanks for sharing. I see that you have 2 branches main and gh-pages.
Which brand do you want to deploy?

@amanpathak Assuming that you’ve deployed the main branch, the reason you’re seeing a blank page is because your build is configured to produce an output to be hosted in a youtube-clone subfolder.

So all of the paths to your various assets (js, css files etc) are incorrect when you instead serve the site from within that folder.

The repository you’ve supplied is the build output, (not the source files), so you can check it yourself by just running npx serve.

You’ll find that you get a blank page, along with 404 errors for all of the assets, and checking the paths will show they all begin with /youtube-clone/.

The reason that you’re not seeing these 404 errors on Netlify and instead this error:


Will be because you have a catch-all redirect in place that is redirecting all requests back to your /index.html file.

So the files that aren’t found are serving the contents of the index.html, for example:

Knowing what the problem is, we know that the real file is actually here:

So to fix, change your build so that it produces output to be hosted at the root /.

If your build is create-react-app based you can do so with:

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mine is quite different, i use vite but deployment is showing white background.

Can you share your site?

Mine is similar.
Repository: GitHub - 1ay13/commerce

@1ay13 Your site is throwing an error which can be seen in the developer console of your browser: