Seeking feedback: Azure DevOps integration with Collaborative Deploy Previews

Hi everyone! Recently we introduced the ability to connect an Azure DevOps repo to a Netlify site, directly from the app UI. Netlify support for Azure DevOps as a git provider enables you to quickly set up automatic CI/CD, deploy notifications, Deploy Previews, and other tools to help speed up your development workflow.

While you can today view Deploy Previews on a site connected to an Azure DevOps repo, the Collaborative Deploy Preview drawer is not yet supported on these sites.

Seeking your feedback

We are planning to integrate Collaborative Deploy Previews with Azure DevOps, so that you can comment on PRs, accept/reject new changes, or file work items in Azure Boards directly from Deploy Previews. We’d love your feedback on how you might (or might not!) use these features. If you use or plan to use Azure DevOps, please take this short survey and let us know what you think!

Thanks as ever for your thoughts, your feedback is very much appreciated! :tada: