Replit App Deploy to Netlify Page not Found

PLEASE help me fix after i deploy it says page not found im first time to deploy replit app here

this is my build settings

@abganzon You can check your build log to see if everything ran as you expect.

Then use the Deploy File Browser to see what files you deployed.

You must have an /index.html file, (or a function that handles that route).

i succesfully deploy and added the file public/_redirects but still page not found but its not in the deploy file browser or i put the file inside client/public/_redirects

If you check your screenshot, you’ll see those files have been deployed in a folder of /public/

Which you probably don’t want.

As to load that index.html file you would need to go to:
{yoursite}/public/index.html or {yoursite}/public/

Not {yoursite} or {yoursite}/index.html

The _redirects file needs to be in the root of your publish directory, as per the documentation:

Save a plain text file called _redirects without a file extension to the publish directory of your site.

ive added the _redirects in my root with the content
/* /index.html 200

and deploy its the same 404

i got it working i dont know what i did but thanks for the help cheers

@abganzon Your issue was never the _redirects file.
This is because you weren’t getting the 404 error due to having or not having _redirects.
You were getting the 404 due to not having an /index.html file in the root of your dist output.
As I previously mentioned, the file you showed in your last screenshot was /dist/public/index.html

The _redirects file and the rule you were trying to apply isn’t a magic fix for ‘all 404’s

It’s for Single Page Applications (SPA) to route direct requests from sub-pages to the main page.
Since they frequently only have an /index.html ‘entry point’ for the application.
It means if someone requests /about they still ultimately load /index.html
At which point the application determines what it should show for /about

If you don’t have an /index.html page, you can’t redirect to it.
Just like if you didn’t have a /cat.html you couldn’t redirect to that.
It would just create a redirect that always resolves to a 404.

That said, your redirects were probably never being applied.
In your most recent screenshot you have _redirects in your repository root.
This isn’t the correct location for your build.
The _redirects file needs end up in the root of your ‘publish directory
If you were publishing dist this means it would need to be in dist when you build completes.
The easiest way to confirm this is to run your ‘build command’ locally and see what it outputs.

You just needed to update your/build settings to ensure the output going to dist was correct.