Remove external domain

Hello, I have a domain registered with a 3rd party. Last year I set up a custom domain in netlify. I am now using a new netlify acount and want to remove the custom domain from the other netlify site and add it to my new netlify account.

I removed the custom DNS settings on my 3rd party (no longer pointing to netlify servers) but I can not use my custom domain on the new netlify site because of the error stated below.

  • we need to know your netlify site name. Example:
    my netlify site name:

i had pointed the domain to a different netlify site - I contacted the owner of that site to remove the custom domain and he did that successfully yesterday

The error message I receive is: “custom_domain is owned by another account”

Hello. Just checking if there is any update on this question.

If you are still receiving this message @pip, the other account (which you say removed the domain) still has the domain (or possibly subdomain) attached to their account.